Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Same gathering, different group of parents: a parent whose kid applied to a very selective LAC test-optional was asked by that LAC to submit test scores weeks after applying, but before decisions, and they did. Anyone else ever heard of this? We have a D21 and never heard of it last yr–but 2022 had much more test availability and it seems this school must have suspected the kid had scores.

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Yes. Colgate asked for D21’s test scores after she deposited. I think it’s common. I think Bowdoin has done this for years.

My guess is that schools want to keep track of the kids they accepted TO and see how they do. It’s just more data for them to have. Not going to change anything for the student!


This was after applying, before decisions! And the kid submitted, then didn’t get in. I’ll edit above to make it clear. I was very surprised.

Yes. My understanding is that schools that have long been test optional, like Bowdoin, request score of matriculated students for research and tracking purposes. It won’t change admissions status - there is no double jeopardy. But it gives important data to the school about how test optional policy is really working, and that data is used by various outfits that rank schools.

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Why would this student submit test scores later if he sent his original app without them? I’ve never heard of a school that accepts TO applications to reach out to a student for a score if he didn’t send one originally.

Exactly. This is a top 5 LAC. I was surprised. Request came from admissions office.

Are you sure? Do you trust this parent? I honestly cannot see a tippy top LAC asking for additional info like test scores before sending a decision. How would that even be worded? “We need your test score to make a decision?”

top 5 LACs seem very comfortable with TO. That’s a very odd situation. You should name the school so we can dig deeper!


I am 100% sure it is a trustworthy parent, and it is our school so I will definitely be asking the CC office. I agree VERY odd . Will update if I can get more info.


The college decision journey for D22 is done with the decision to attend University of Richmond. I enjoyed reading past CC post about the schools on the college list and definitely had first alert about admissions decisions being out from the posts on CC.

I haven’t posted much about the admission journey, just happy to have this chapter done and able to focus on senior prom, graduation party and the tidbits for parents of incoming college freshman like getting the CC recommended mattress topper when it goes on sale and booking hotels now for parents weekend! Thanks for all the collective wisdom. I’m taking a few months off college admissions to enjoy all the celebrations, fun, and bittersweet of having a graduating high school senior/incoming college freshman … and then in the fall will follow HS Class of 2024 thread so this isn’t a farewell :slight_smile:


The only thing I could possibly think of is that this student was on the bubble and the AO wanted to fight for him and was hoping to get more info that could help. If that’s the case, I’m guessing the AO really hoped no one would find out about this late ask since it seems out of place when the school is TO.


Love WPI! Congrats to your daughter.


Last year my son was deciding between Georgia Tech, Michigan, Brown, and Duke for ECE/CS. If you haven’t seen it, check out my thread from last year for a good discussion and comparison list.

He just finished his first year at Duke as an ECE / CS double major. He absolutely loves it. Let me know if you have any questions! Congrats!


Thanks for the link,
Sure I will look at it and will forward it to my S22.

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Thank you! She’s pretty excited. :smiling_face:

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Smart kid!

Thank you! :+1:

Alright, the decision’s in. It’s been down to 3 for the last few weeks - Kenyon, Denison, and Lafayette. And today he committed to Lafayette! We’re very excited here. Exhausted, but happy!

Congratulations to everyone here and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the help I’ve received from y’all!

Now for the next steps…


My son made his decision today, after flying on an overnight from California and getting home at 3pm this afternoon. He committed to Princeton as soon as he got home, no drama or hand-wringing. The school I told him not to bother applying to because the application was complicated and his chance of getting in was too low.


What is his prospective major?

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maybe policy or economics