Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Looking at our senior class commit pics, kids from our public high school class of 500 are going to many great schools near and far - from community college and gap years to the Ivies and near Ivies, USC, WashU, Duke, JHU, Emory, Northwestern, BC. Interesting to see all the international colleges, Italy, Japan, Scotland, Ireland. An unusual year in some respects. Usually no one seems to get into Brown, this year we have 3 commits. Usually 8-10 kids a year go to Northeastern. Haven’t seen any yet. NU reduced the size of the class of 26 to compensate for the overenrolled class of 25.


College Board says

2022 AP Exam scores will be available starting Tuesday, July 5 .

Trevor Packer releases score profiles as they are available, on Twitter, usually starting two weeks before release, releasing a couple of score profiles each day.

D22 was notified yesterday that she is the sole valedictorian in this year’s class of 600+. So the rumored/gossiped “there are 5-7 students with perfect GPAs and max weighting” turned out to be false. Admissions results still sting, but this was a nice result.

One more AP (of 5) to go and she can pretty much pack it in.


Congratulations to your kid!!
What happened in college admissions to those you mentioned found to be falsifying records?

Congrats to your daughter! That’s a big class to be valedictorian of!

Do you happen to know if the late test date results come out at the same time? I’ll go look, but sometimes this is easier :slight_smile:

What college is she heading to?

I don’t see anything posted. Last year they were scheduled to come out four weeks after the first release, per Trevor’s tweet. I couldn’t find a similar tweet back in pre-2020 “normal times”. But a Reddit thread implied it was 23 days after the initial release in 2018.

So 3-4 weeks later, the first week of August, is probably a decent expectation.

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She’s going to Purdue, Honors College, starting with 60 credits and Junior standing. Yes, it’s a great program, but she was hoping perfect GPA/1580/12 AP/3x AIME would have received at least one admit to Michigan/Georgia Tech/Cornell and a few more selective schools. #1/#2 of the last two years are at Cornell and CMU CS.

What “falsifying records” did I mention? Another student saying “I think there are a few other kids with max GPA”?


Congrats! A college admissions counselor said in our town there is a greater likelihood of acceptance to U Penn than U Michigan. Crazy.

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Thanks. I don’t use Twitter, so I appreciate you looking! It makes sense it is later. Just more waiting, lol.

Wow! That’s amazing to have 60 credits! Way to go!


Looking at the AP Reading schedule, and re-looking at the Reddit post, which only said “my college received it on the xx th”, without a month, and knowing schools receive scores ahead of students, it’s possible this was a few days earlier, rather than 4 weeks later. The reading dates are after the late testing, so it’s possible late testing will be including in the scoring and last year was just an outlier.

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Miss understood about the kids with max gpas that were false

What major is she pursuing?

There’s nothing near Ivy about Northwestern and Duke. They’re better than the bottom 3 ivys. And frankly Rice, Emory and the like are just as good as Cornell.


Ah CS is tough
My daughter is friends with a kid from her previous school in Miami, who made it to CS in Duke and was also accepted in Cornel, GT and CMU. He chose Duke.
The parents are video game designers and he has designed a few video games of his own.
He had about 18 AP according to the parents and some college classes at the University of Miami. He was valedictorian at his Prep.
Was denied at MIT
The competition is tough


I’m really happy for those kids.

All these are great schools
The kids will do great
No need to be disappointed

Congrats to your D! In this day and age, sole valedictorian looks to be quite rare.

That’s great, although I also can understand her sense of disappointment (she has amazing accomplishments). Best wishes to her!


AP scores show up on the transcript? How can that be right? It’s up to the student to decide whether to send those.

Illinois requires the SAT for juniors as a state based test to test progress. The first year they did this, those scores were going to show up on transcripts and parents absolutely revolted. I think that only happened one year before scores were no longer on public school transcripts.

I also think it’s crazy that schools require you to take your APs. Why? Our kids didn’t take the majority of the AP tests from senior year because they weren’t going to get credit at their colleges (which mostly just placed kids with those scores or used their own placement tests). We did pay for all APs in the fall of their senior year but were able to get refunds from College Board once we knew where they were going to college.


At D’s HS, not only were AP tests were listed, but all standardized tests too so PSAT, ACT, SAT etc… They even had the HS entrance exam results.

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