Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Lots of ambivalence about graduation!


We still have a month of school but with AP tests done, spring sport ending and the fraught college process mercifully behind us, we can all relax!


Congrats to your S22 and family @Luanne !


Mine is making a speech at her grad too in a couple of weeks and I am nervous for her lolā€¦ 600 kids +family & guests!


Good luck to you all. Iā€™m sure it will go great!

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Thanks Iā€™m the one needing the luck-sheā€™s taking it all in stride :slight_smile: Congrats to your graduate! I have 2 this year - my son graduated college last week and my daughter from high school on June 10thā€¦ emotions are definitely running on overdrive!


Yes, thatā€™s how I was as well!

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It all ended very abruptly for us here ā€¦ prom, then graduation and suddenly all over. D22 now looking for a job, albeit late to the game, but she just couldnā€™t wrap her head around it while juggling school work, 4 AP exams, and senior festivities. It sort of feels like there was all this stress and excitement for her, now nothing. But we have a lot to do to get ready for college so thereā€™s no shortage of things to do. But the realization that thereā€™s no school left here for her to go to ā€” itā€™s a shock to the system.


All the Best! We have two more weeks of school left - with exams and projects before graduation. I agree , after a frenetic school year , it will take some time to adjust to new routine and next phase .


S22 was just informed that, for the second year, he was named a winner of Appleā€™s WWDC High School Swift Coding Competition! Wellā€¦now he will wear something other than the '21 Apple hoodie.


My daughter got all Aā€™s in final year grades and this week high school journey completes! Wow time flies !


Congratulations on an incredible achievement! :clap: :tada:

That is fantastic. Congratulations.

Krispy Kreme is giving a free dozen doughnuts today to class of 22 grads with cap, gown, etc.


We are in the home stretch here. This is the last week of ā€œrealā€ school. Prom was last weekend and next week is senior week (fun activities) followed by graduation on June 6. S22 decided to stick with UMASS Amherst after being admitted to Pitt off the WL (and flying out for a visit). He seems happy with his decision. He doesnā€™t have a summer job line up yet, but we arenā€™t pushing - heading to Italy for a couple of weeks at the end of June to celebrate. Congratulations to everyone whose child has graduated and best of luck next year!


Graduation is Sunday, and it feels really surreal that my youngest is graduating.


My D still has an exam and an oral ā€œexamā€ and local school decisions to come out over the next month. Last day of school in a couple of weeks. There is no graduation here and there usually is no prom. This year they are holding a ā€œprom,ā€ but that is really just a dance party at the school and only girls :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
Iā€™m not very sad about this.


We had a few covid cases after the school prom, but very manageable
My daughter did not get it

Graduation is June 10

I wasnā€™t concerned about Covid, because she actually had it less than 6 months ago. I was just glad she didnā€™t have to shoehorn in anymore end of year things, or worry or pay for them!
What she does need, is sleep.