Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I think a number of luggage brands (including TravelPro) make such sets. Usually just a set of two bags (a carryon inside a large suitcase), not three.

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We have a three-piece Samsonite set that nests.


Away Bags come in sets of 3.


Weā€™ve been trying to balance pushing her to just get it done with not being nags, but sheā€™s 18 and thereā€™s not much we can do. She walks to work, and can walk to pretty much anywhere she needs to day-to-day. I confess I didnā€™t get my license until 23 ā€” I always lived in metro areas where public transportation was easy. I would like her to have a license now, though, mostly so if sheā€™s ever in a situation where she needs to be a designated driver, to take a friend to the ER, she can.


Our S got his license in high school but never drove until recently. Why? Because he bought a car due to limited public transportation options due to Covid.

Update on IKEA Frakta bags. Cheapest to buy right from IKEA as others have pointed out: delivery available to only certain zip codes though. There are some reviews on Amazon suggesting the versions there (which cost more) are fake (a fake plastic bagā€¦I knowā€¦)

I ended up having IKEA ship them to a relative near my kidā€™s college. Iā€™m so grateful for that family! Shipping was free because of IKEA ā€œfriends and familyā€ (who knew?) Thanks everyone for the input. Very excited to be moving soon, to a location closer to an IKEA (and a TJs and Costco and all the other stuff you all talk about on CC and make me missā€¦)


We are going the opposite way from most of yā€™all on driving. S22 has had a license since 16 and a hand me down family car from the beginning. He drove to school, to sports/extracurriculars, to the beach etcā€¦Now, he is going to college in L.A. where he will not need a car. With used car prices (and insurance) being so high, we are selling his car and taking him off the family insurance. When he comes home, heā€™ll be able to use my work vehicle since that policy is separate and covers all in my household.


Wish we could do the same. S20 doesnā€™t have a car and is away in college, but we had to add him to our insurance once he got his license last year. We have to keep him there as long as his permanent address is here. This may vary from state to state, but itā€™s unfortunately required in NY.

S22 has a permit but is nowhere close to being ready for the license driving test. Luckily, permit is good enough to fly with.


Same boat in NY, but our insurance gave us a reduced rate since D20 goes to school more than 100 miles away and doesnā€™t have a car. I donā€™t think sheā€™s been behind the wheel since she got her license in 2020.

Hi - to make college payments, can we use our credit cards ( to accumulate points ) or do colleges insist on only direct deposit/wire transfer? Should we check with the college what the preferred payment method is?

They want direct bank transfer or check in my experience

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Got it, thanks

It varies somewhat, but it seems that the New School (where our D19 is at Parsons) is unusual in accepting credit cards. NYU for S22 doesnā€™t.

D19 doesnā€™t have a license and intends never to get one (she has an official state ID). S22 was eager to get his license and drove our car frequently before we moved from the Boston suburbs to NYC last month and gave up the car. Now Iā€™m not sure when heā€™ll next be driving. Weā€™re renting a car for our coming family vacation in August, but heā€™s too young to drive a rental car. Friends at our vacation destination might let him borrow theirs, I guess. Otherwise, itā€™ll be a while.

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Our school accepts credit card payment, but they charge 3% premium. Do you gain enough points to cover the charge?


My daughter attended two Summer send off parties for Texas A&M. One was for incoming freshman in our local area (Dallas/Fort Worth) at Main Event (bowling, video games, buffet, etc) hosted by the local prospective student center. The other was a new aggie student reception for the incoming freshman and one parent for a dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Both were invitation only and for a fairly small size group. I know there were only a dozen students at the dinner and it was hosted by the Black and Hispanic alumni networks. I donā€™t know how many students were invited and attended Main Event. She enjoyed both and it was appreciated. Helps with the transition!


There is a huge case to be made for getting her license and just not using til she needs it in terms of the $ sheā€™ll pay for an accident free policy ( goes by how long sheā€™s had her license not how long sheā€™s had insurance in my state). She doesnā€™t even have to be listed on the insurance policy unless she uses it.

Can also vary if student needs to be listed. We were told yes by our insurance agent. But Chubb said no. We were able to remove our '22 effective 1 month prior to school starting. Can re add if needed for Summer. Insurance is expensive more than $300/month with our old cars. We are in the market for a new car which would push it to $700/month for someone who is thousands of miles away. Not a good financial move for us. We knocked off about $600/month in various charges for '22. This will go directly towards college payments.


Yes, this is my thought, too. I want her to be able to drive in an emergency, but there are no plans for her to be ā€œa driverā€ right now. She may not need to drive at all for a year or two yet! S26 however, I bet we will be trying to hide the keys from him next year! Heā€™s very ready to start learning.

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you are right, works out to similar levels

Have you tried them? They look good would love to know if they are high quality.

Iā€™ve had a pair of Away suitcases for 3-4 years and feel that they are pretty high quality. I researched and read a lot of reviews before deciding on Away, and have been really happy with them so far.