Parents of the HS Class of 2022

My whole family has sets of 2 in different colors so we can tell them apart. I cant remember if we have the bigger or smaller of the carryon and the smaller of the big ones. We have used them a lot. I feel like they are good quality and we have really tested the zippers a few times. My only warning would be the lighter colors show a lot of black marks after shipping but they come with magic eraser type cleaners and clean up pretty well.

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Another thought on colorā€¦donā€™t get red as bedbugs apparently like that color bestā€¦I think they liked yellow least, but yellow luggage, ugh.


We got the aluminum Away bags and I have to say they are annoyingly fragile. Dents are apparently expected, not as big of a deal, but many of the inside clasps have broken. They are cheaper than Rimowa aluminum bags but not exactly a bargain price. Iā€™m still happy with them but I canā€™t give them a top review.


Really good to know. Thank you. That was the set I had planned to buy our '22 going off to school. Decided in the end, a nesting pair would be nice but bags are being lost all over so weā€™ll just use what we have and buy whatā€™s needed later. Weā€™ve been using Travelpro for years. They are great but heavy and not good for international travel due to weight. Very sturdy though. Might just buy another Travelpro and spend the money elsewhere.

Oh hell, my wife has been busy. Fridge, check. Clothes, check. Fan, check (no AC in dorms). Extension cords with surge protectors (including USB outlets), check. Linens, check. She is a woman on a mission and you best not get in her way.


2.5 weeks until move-in day for my D22. Sheā€™s doing a freshman intensive seminar starting on the 31st, and that will be remote for 1 week, then she gets to move in 10 days early so they can be in person. We took care of most of the shopping during Prime days. Target and BB&B also had competing sales those days, so we set up a spreadsheet and she did price comparisons across all 3 sites. It was kind of overwhelming to do it all in 2 days but we got it done! I expect that sheā€™ll keep us at armā€™s length for the next couple of years, so thatā€™s hard, but things have been calm.


My '22 is getting anxious. I think wherever the school is, whatever the major is, the students all feel the same. I wish I could have purchased everything but we need to get there by plane so weā€™ll buy everything closer.

We still have a bottle of champagne left from graduation so weā€™ll have to drink that soon.

And there is no way all those clothes are going to fit in suitcases. Itā€™s going to be a bad day when that reality hits.


Things are going very well. My D picked a roommate on social media, took a pre-orientation adventure trip to meet other incoming students and we went to a summer family welcome event where the host family of an upperclass student and the families of incoming freshmen were very friendly. Communications from the school have been excellent. All good!


Nice! What school?

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Elon. Seems very well run and high family satisfaction with some families sending two kids there.


We head down for move in in just over a week. Summer went fast! I think we are pretty set and packed except for clothes and other things he uses regularly.

He still needs another credit and we are watching for a couple to hopefully open. If not he needs another plan for something to take. Registration was frustrating.


Woohoo another robotics kid! Mine is too! Congrats. Mine will be taking AP Computer science this year as a senior so likely wonā€™t bother with the exam.

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Oops thought this was 2023 and donā€™t know how to eraseā€¦ sorry

No problem! Itā€™s good to have the robotics kids :). He did take the test as a senior and placed out of the first programming class. Itā€™s just an elective no ut thatā€™s okay. He learned some things in the class but it was not difficult.

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Where is he heading?

Alabama for mechanical engineering. Heā€™s NMF so a hard deal to pass up!


Just made the first tuition payment for S22. Welpā€¦getting real.


Remind us, what school?

Rose-Hulman. They bill on the trimester schedule. First trimester invoice posted today.

Wow. Time flys. When is move in? Weā€™re looking at move in 3rd week of August.