Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Pretty similar. We fly out Aug 25, move-in day is Aug 26. Didn’t we just bring the little guy home from the hospital???


Daughter just received tuition bill for Fall semester and it’s better than expected. I didn’t realize books, transportation, and personal fees wouldn’t be billed so balance due is $0 instead of $6K like we expected :blush:


Also, I do have a few concerns about move-in day. My daughter is flying from the Midwest to Florida and we were thinking of buying everything online and having it shipped to her dorm building so she can pick it up on move in day. Is that a good idea or is there a more efficient method? If she does have it shipped, should she ship it directly to her building or should she ship it to the UPS store on campus?

It probably depends on the school but I know some require it to be shipped to the package center on campus so check that out I guess.

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Got the lease signed for the apartment near the non-flagship state school S22 is attending. Boy, howdy, renter’s insurance, and this and that – they sure do nickel and dime renters these days. I mean, I kinda knew it, but I hadn’t experienced it on this level. Roommate is moving in Aug 1 when the lease starts, S22 is still debating trying to move down early (and not having much to do until school starts in late September) or staying home where there’s a car he can borrow, and someone else who cooks dinner, etc. Main thing is that the friend he hangs out with most is the roommate, who won’t be up here anymore, so he may move earlier rather than later. We’ll see.

I’ve said I’d be happy with either choice, and if he goes down, then realizes he’d rather hang out here for a while, he can come back up – it’s his time and money – we’ll drive him down (1.5 hr drive), but he can use public transit to come back up (probably more like 2.5-3 hr with all of the connections…).

College is different when it’s not an “all-inclusive” with dorm & board program, but instead “roll your own” with apartment and cooking all meals…


Check with the housing, but packages are usually addressed directly to the building where the student lives. Both S20 and S22 can have their packages shipped directly to their buildings. S22 may have them shipped ahead of time (up to about 10 days). S20 has to first move in before they will hold his mail.

If you ship essentials (bedding and such), make sure she will be able to retrieve her packages the very first day. Move-ins can be extremely busy.

Last year, one was able to order items from Bath and Beyond ahead of time and then pick them up on arrival. They also offer 20% off the entire order. If one is close by, your daughter could take an Uber there.

That definitely depends on the school. We’ve shipped most things down using his mail code # and it’s all going to one spot, but not his dorm. We will never send directly to the dorm. He can pick up the packages on move-in day, so long as they arrived by July 22. Anything after will not be ready for move-in. But, yes we shipped most it seemed, but still have a small pile here to take in the car.

We paid our first bill as well. I’m thankful he went with the scholarship, as the bill was under $500 and he’s still waiting on a $500 scholarship to post sometime this fall.

A week from now, we will be setting up his dorm room! Summer was fast and short.


Her dorm can’t accept packages until 7 days before move in and the UPS store on campus can’t accept packages until 4 days before move in day so the thing I’m most anxious about is when to order everything. 1 delay and she could be sleeping on the rough mattress :confused:

Can sheets go in her luggage? I’d try to get the key items in the suitcase!


My son is a rising sophomore at Elon. We love Elon!


Are you staying in a hotel for move in? We had some things shipped directly to our hotel and they held them for us. Just make sure to ask them first :blush:.

When does everybody move-in?

It’s August 15 or 16 for D22. So soon!

We are not ready either. She has been really concentrating on spending time with friends before they all go their separate ways and has not wanted to talk to me about stuff she needs for the dorm, but one of her best friends leaves this weekend so she might be willing to talk about dorm stuff after that. We do have the big stuff (little fridge, microwave, mattress topper), but still need to figure out sheets, towels, decide about any additional storage under the bed (seems common at her school).


S22 moves in on August 5th (he has a week long Honors Orientation Program). Classes start on the 17th.


So soon!!

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D22 moves in Aug. 16. We are somewhat ready. She has sheets, towels, pillows etc. Luckily we won’t need the “big stuff”, mini fridge and microwave are already in the room. Also, she is in a triple and there is just not enough room for much stuff. She is excited, I am not ready.


S22 moves in August 3. So soon.


that is so soon!

Look into Bed Bath & Beyond. You can buy everything online and have it ready for pickup on your chosen day. A lot of the OOS kids at my son’s school are doing that.

@trops - exact same situation with my son. He wound up in a triple in the smallest dorm rooms on campus and the school already provides a fridge.

DS moves into Cal Poly SLO on the 15th.
Cal Poly is on a quarter system and fall quarter doesn’t start until Mid Sept. But DS is doing Quarter Plus which is two summer school GE classes and lots of support and orientation to academics, the school, and area. He’s both excited to start college and reluctant to leave his HS friends behind. I’m sure that’s echoed across a lot of our kids right now.