Parents of the HS Class of 2022

S22 moves in at NYU Aug. 27 or 28. Can’t complain at all about the logistics — his dorm is 20 blocks from our apartment. Right now we’re on vacation for two weeks in a rented house, with three of S22’s best high-school friends staying with us for the first week. The fifth member of their group has to work but will come for a couple of days. Our D19 has one of her roommates here, too. (It’s a large house, but sleeping bags are involved.) Really glad for S22’s group especially that we can give them this time together, since they’re all going to different colleges. The boys are cooking dinner for us every night while they’re here, which has been great. Much affection and laughter for all.

As for college, S22 will be in a triple and has communicated briefly with his two roommates. One is coming from Malaysia and has never been to the U.S.; the other is a fellow New Yorker. Hope they’ll have as lucky a connection as he’s had with his high-school guys.


There is an online bill pay service called Plastiq that you can pay tuition through. Plastiq will send a check to the college/university (allow up to 14 days for delivery, and I’d advise to have your checking account as a backup in case the payment doesn’t arrive on time) and charge you a 2.85% fee. Are the points worth the fee? Possibly, depending on your goals. There are some cards that offer generous sign up bonuses, or certain rewards once you hit a designated spend amount (like elite airline or hotel status, companion tickets, etc.) that may help offset the fee in addition to the points earned. It’s harder to make that argument with straight cash back cards though.

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Has anyone used a luggage delivery service?

We checked with Fed Ex and they are expensive!

S22 moves into USC on 8/15. He is in the scholarship dorm so they get to move in a few days early and have a retreat to get to know one another. We are making a trip of it and driving up from L.A. along Hwy 1 to Carmel and Monterey the week before, then back down. It’s getting real! This is our caboose, so it will be an emotional week for all.


SAME, moving on August 16 – D22 is moving into Wall, also a triple! We are totally not ready yet, even though I shipped some stuff to the dorm. Getting close!


Move in went well and he’s all set up. It was nice being the only ones moving in early. No one to be in the way of. I’m home and I’m sure in the next few days it’ll sink in that he’s not


Moved D22 (though now is she D26?) in early yesterday, too. So glad she chose to do an intensive freshman seminar that enabled an early move-in. Next week another 9,000 freshmen descend on IU and I’m thrilled we don’t have to deal with that! Everything was stress-free and it was a fun, special day.


D22 just got her housing assignment today. It’s crazy how rapidly move-in day is approaching.

Now, I just need to get through her head that living in a quad, she cannot bring too much stuff.


My D is also moving into Wall on the 16th :smiley:
We finished up dorm shopping today.


Moving in one week from today! D22 has cranked the music in her room and is doing some more packing.


Glad all went well! We stick with the high-school graduation year throughout for consistency, so our 22’s will always be 22’s on here.


Best wishes to all the kids and parents on the move in and settling down to new routines!!


We start driving for California this Saturday, spending a night on the road and a couple of nights with the grandparents, then S22 will move in on Aug 16. I’m so not ready emotionally! But we seem to have all the dorm essentials. S22 is in a triple so not bringing much besides clothes, bedding, towels and computer. He’s been spending a lot of time with friends. We are from a tiny town and many of these kids have been friends since they were 5. Now they are all going to different colleges in different parts of the country. It’s so exciting but also hard.


My S22 is also moving into a triple in Cal on the 16th. I just wish I could convince my wife that we should only be taking the essentials. I have a feeling that we might be driving a full car both ways.


I am not looking forward to the days after the college drop off at home. It will be tough to adjust to home routines without kids. But having said that, happy for the kids as they progress and evolve. All the best!!


Nice to read all of the move-ins - it’s getting real!

My D22 flew to Japan on her own yesterday (first flight without a parent/adult). A tropical storm caused her connecting flight from Tokyo to be cancelled but fortunately LostWife’s best friend lives there and got her daughter to meet D22 at the airport and took her home for the night. Whew!


I’m glad she had someone at the other end. That’s a heck of a first flight on her own!


Yeah, very fortunate. We thought, “It’s Japan, what could go wrong?” Definitely didn’t see this coming.


You need to watch more monster movies!

I’m glad it worked out. That sounds super stressful. Long before I was born, an older cousin flew internationally to visit extended family as an unaccompanied minor at the age of 7. Times have changed!

Meanwhile, I check my phone repeatedly through the day to stare at the tracking location dot for my kid now that she’s left for college. Pathological attachment syndrome, helicopter parenting, or living vicariously? I think it’s probably all three.


Hi - D22 signed up student health insurance at Berkeley . Move in check list has insurance card, doctor’s contact, etc. Is the card something students receive on day of move in when they go there.