Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I would think the school has nothing to do with how health insurance company distributes insurance cards. You will have to identify local physicians based on who is in the network of the policy you purchased. Your student should ultimately have full online access to their insurance policy. They should contact the health insurance company directly with their questions.

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Move in completed on Saturday and S is on the second day of Welcome Week! His roommate arrived late last night (apparently a victim of the time vortex known as I-95 S) and S helped him move in.

S went to the gym yesterday (priorities, right? :rofl:) and declared it ā€œawesome.ā€ Freshmen are meeting with core advisors this afternoon. He wants to adjust his schedule if he is able to.


Mine is slowly seeing all '22 friends drift off to college. Itā€™s getting real. Just a week to go.


S22 moves in to Rose-Hulman next week. Iā€™m acutely aware that 18+ years of having this boy here at home are coming to an end. Will be weird to walk by his room and know itā€™s empty. No kid popping out for dinner, my everyday awareness of what heā€™s up to is coming to an end.

Of course heā€™ll be responsive to texts, right? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, its bittersweet. My normally unflappable S22 finally said he is nervous about college but thankful to be close enough to home. He is moving in tomorrow but wanted to come home this weekend even though he has orientation events throughout the weekend. Itā€™s all sinking in :smiling_face_with_tear:


To help him adapt and make friends, try to avoid letting him come home. If he is homesick, meet him in Berkeley and take him (and possibly his roommates) to lunch or shopping but have him stay at school.


Agreed. We told him we can meet him for a late night snack after he is done with his orientation dinner.


Hopefully, he has a good time at the move in and orientation dinner events and you might not even have to meet him for a snack! Good luck with the move in and hope his adjustment to school goes well!


D22 moved into her school 10 hours away! Donā€™t think weā€™ll be driving that super often! We look like zombies after 20 hours in the car over 3 days. Made it with all her gear in our van without a U-Haul (a running joke between her and I, as she had so much stuff). She starts orientation today, and she was ready for us to go! Strange without her home. Our cats are looking for her. Good luck to all moving in your students!!


Classes start today! He finally had time yesterday to walk around and find the buildings. Hopefully I hear his day goes. Heā€™s been pretty good at responding to texts and Iā€™m trying not to send too many.


Right after we got back from our vacation on Saturday, S22 headed off on another vacation Sunday: The family of a friend of his from our Switzerland days has a house on the Jersey Shore. Heā€™ll be back tonight. He had options for his NYU move-in and settled on the morning of Aug. 28. Before that, one of his Boston friends who came on vacation with us is coming to NYC for a few days, before heading to college in London.

Itā€™s pretty hard for the big change to sink in fully, since S22 will be so close by and we donā€™t have a long-distance move to plan. Iā€™m really interested to find out how often weā€™ll be seeing him once school starts. I would guess probably weekly dinners with him and D19, but weā€™ll see.


This may be the first time in my life I have regretted not having an SUV. Doubt all of kidā€™s stuff will fit in car, but thereā€™s always mail and stores. H bought one of those roof cargo things.


Just got back home from dropping D22 off. Weird mix of feelings. I am trying to frame it as her world expanding rather than ā€œleaving homeā€. I donā€™t think she hates us or anything. Sheā€™ll be back around.

I need to do some serious clean up after her whirlwind packing. Might have to let that wait a day or two.


FWIW: someone told me if it doesnā€™t fit into the trunk of a sedan it wonā€™t fit in the dorm room :grinning:


On our way to the airport. Itā€™s really sinking in that D22 will be 1700 miles from home. Trying to focus on this being an exciting adventure for her but boy am I going to miss her. Move in to her triple is tomorrow. Wishing all the best to all our kids!!


That is true for urban dorms, like my Boston kid. My friend just posted a pic of Indiana Universityā€™s dorm room. Gigantic and could have a dance floor.

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Well we had two compact cars full of stuff for DD22ā€™s teeny dorm room and she could have put more in there. The rooms are really small ā€” 10x15. But the beds raise up and you can put a lot of stuff under there.

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S22 has picked a move-in date ā€“ Aug 29 ā€“ so weā€™re in the final couple of weeks of packing and winnowing and making lists and stuff. Itā€™s only a 90 min drive, though, so there can be a ā€œsecond tripā€ if things donā€™t all fit.


Wishing everyone best of luck to their kids as they star college. Safe travels to you all!


Move-in done. Room was kinda small but provides a killer view of San Francisco from his high-rise window. Walked around Berkeley for a while and got some extra Cal gear, and then just like that we said goodbye and drove back home. Feels surreal at the moment and I am glad S22 has a packed 5 days ahead of him to keep him occupied. Good luck to everyone going through this. The kids will be alright, as I remind myself!