Parents of the HS Class of 2022

It certainly depends on the room. My daughter seems to have hit the room lottery.

We brought an SUV, loaded except for 2 passengers, and a sedan, somewhat loaded, and went to Walmart to buy a futon and bookcase after moving in.

In terms of floor space, it’s bigger than older sister’s double was, and probably bigger than Mom’s freshman year triple.

Certainly in volume, being on the top floor with a ceiling that slopes from 6 to 12 feet.

Even though she was often out over the last year, and I didn’t see her that much, I at least knew she would be back. Walking past the unused bedroom is somewhat difficult today. I’m avoiding the urge to text/email, but admit to checking “Where’s My” on my phone several times to be sure she’s getting where she needs to be.


Right there with ya! I did get a few texts today so I know she’s still alive and wants me to mail her belt that she forgot :smiley: .


remember there are 3-4 sizes of boxes at the post office that you can mail first class at set postage - so you can stuff them full and a good value.


After what seemed like the longest wait, my D22 received her A level results this morning and met her conditions for Oxford University. She’s in Japan right now and as she was logging into her school’s portal while we waited at the other end of the line, she muttered “Oh oh” which made my heart jumped and I switched to consoling mode. A few seconds later, she stated calmly, “I got all A*s.”

We are very grateful for this outcome for D22. Like many others, her college application journey was filled with highs and lows. Hopefully, an exciting and enriching 4 years await her!

Thanks, everyone, for your support and encouragement!


Congratulations to her!



It varies a lot! My daughter just moved into IU, and in her dorm, the rooms are about 12’ x 15’. Very cozy for two, and beds can’t be lofted due to low ceilings. The enhanced, more expensive, dorms are bigger, but cost another $3k or so a year.

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My S22 is also lucky enough to have a great view of the Bay from his room at Cal. He had dinner the night after move-in with six other kids coming from his HS. I would recommend your son doing the same if he is still nervous. No doubt there will be others from his school there too. Even if he doesn’t know them well, they will have shared experiences.


Congratulations to your D22. Which college?

Thanks @HazeGrey. She’ll be going to Corpus.

The rose between two thorns (Christ Church & Oriel). Hope she enjoys it there. My son loved his four years at Worcester. The Bear Inn is a great pub and very convenient to Corpus.


That will be us on Wednesday - 3055 miles away, but whos counting :cry:
I’m excited for him, but right now I can’t imagine what the initial weeks at home without him will be like.


Got a call tonight from an old friend. Our kids grew up together and met in Pre-K. Their son is off tomorrow and my '22 is off very soon. They will be thousands of miles apart and both very far away from family, seems like Pre-K was yesterday and also a thousand years ago. I am feeling very melancholy after that phone call. But also secretly very proud and happy. Kid is ready to launch in 10-9-8…hoping for the best.


Sitting with the rest of the parents drinking coffee as our D22 is in line to get her dorm keys. Moving in begins in minutes!!


Anyone else have a very very homesick kid?
She is calling us and texting us a lot about how she is anxious, not making friends fast enough and feels like she cannot do it.
I know it’ll pass but this is tough!


Awww, I’m sorry. I’m in the opposite camp and not hearing much from my D22. How long has yours been at school and have classes started yet? Does she have a roommate or is she in a single? It’s tough, and I’m sure you’ve told her, but if she can just put herself out there and meet people that might help. Maybe you could order some cookies for her to share around? Does her school have Insomnia Cookies?


Ours takes credit card payments but passes along the credit card fee. Depending on the level you are and what card, it can still be a good deal.

One quick hug and she was gone. Walked off with her room mate. It seemed so fast. Sad, happy, sad.


I think it will hit parents and kids at different times for the reality to sink in. Wishing the kids/parents all the best !!


That sounds really hard to hear as a parent. I remember one of my college friends had a tough time leaving home and was always sad at the beginning of every year and after every break. But as soon as classes started and she got busy she was ok. Is she in a room where she can keep the for open? I was encouraged to do this by my RA and and it was amazing how many people would just stop in the doorway and say hello, some even asking if they could come hang out for a bit. Big hugs to her and you.