Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Got this clip on Vornado fan clipped on the bed itself, and got the Woozoo fan for the room.


Woozoo globe fans (desktop or stand) are better than Vornado, IMO. It automatically pivots and/or twists (none of the Vornado fans can) to distribute air everywhere in the room and is quieter and as powerful with its DC motor. Great for dorms. Costco periodically has them on sale for around $30-35 (the desktop version).

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Congratulations! Could you please share your kidā€™s stats?

Villalona posted general stats in this thread and UC GPAs here.

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Hi everyone. I Have not been following the page as often as before. Would be glad to help in anything I can. Chicago starts later than most, preparing for the soon to come departure.
Best wishes to all of you!!

Will be glad to share and help with any questions you might have

Hi All. Iā€™ve been MIA all summer but wanted to check in. Hope all your kiddos are settling in (for those who are already on campus). For everyone else, hope the packing and prep are going well. S22 moves in next week and weā€™re in pretty good shape - am feeling sad about it but excited for him!


We have both of these fans and they are both great fans. We did the woozoo from Costco for our sonā€™s dorm and its awesome but he has a Vornado at home that he loves. I think the Woozoo is more compact for the power.

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D22 moved in on Wednesday. So far, so good. Sheā€™s in a living learning community, so sheā€™s been busy with mandatory things and has met quite a few people. She hasnā€™t had much time to get lonely.

We moved D20 into her apartment last weekend, but she came back home with us to work one more week. She left for school after work today.

Now DH and I are empty nesters! Itā€™s so weird.


Strangely, I am not feeling sad at all. Iā€™m a little exhausted from last year and the process, along with the logistics of my Dā€™s ECsā€¦.Iā€™m just happy that she is at a school she likes and has plenty to do.
I will miss her help, though. She was good at motivating me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How are siblings holding up?

We dropped son off at college yesterday.

Since he had done the 7-week summer program; we had dropped him off on 6/21, the pain of this drop-off was not as bad.

But younger sister came to the drop-off yesterday, and was crying a lot :sob:.
She loves her big brother; he could do no wrong (even when he used her as a body-bag to practice wrestling).


Thatā€™s a good question. D22s younger brother (S26) did not like to see her go. We dropped her off two weeks ago and he still says it doesnā€™t feel right at home (and they used to fight all the time!!).


Summer went too quickly.
My D22 and D20 surprised me with plans for campus jobs that required them to leave sooner than I expected.
QuĆ© serĆ”, serĆ”, as the old song goes, whatever will be, will beā€¦
So strange, not knowing their schedules anymoreā€¦
Still, I am happy for them to have new adventures and challenges even if I can no longer be assured of a large chunk of their time and attention. A slice will have to do, lol, or even a sliver.


The smallest dementor has shed no tears. It makes me and the older sis sad, because my little sibling was all about shedding lots of tears when Iā€™d head back to campus each year, and it makes her kind of jealous to hear those stories.


This was me when my sister left- it was really sad. And will def be my D26 when S24 leaves in a couple years- they are so good to each other and he is a great big brother to her.

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No tears here either. Not sure D24 has even noticed D22 is gone. She is wrapped up in her Fall sport, helping with 9th grade orientation and hanging out with her friends. Sadly D22 & D24 are not close. Hoping distance makes the heart grow fonder but Iā€™m not counting on it.


For us, the sibling adjustment wasnā€™t as difficult when they left for college as it was when they came home over breaks. It is amazing how quickly you establish a new routine with one less person in the house.


@Faye_B - hope she is feeling better and settling down better. I heard something similar from D22 about not having/making friends or getting settled down. I think it is a tough time to deal with lot of unknown variables - new place, people, classes, this whole thing away from home, new food ( not home food) etc. All the best !!


Thanks for checking in. Iā€™m sorry to hear that you were getting some of the same worries from your D. Unfortunately it hasnā€™t gotten that much better. Possibly things are in an upward trend but it is still extreme lows with a day thrown in that was just ok. We arenā€™t sure what to do anymore. Iā€™ve tried to not respond to her texts right away (usually they are just texts to complain or say how terrible she is feeling). We decided she cannot call me in the morning first thing because that doesnā€™t help. She started seeing the counselor on campus but Iā€™m just worried. And growing a bit frustrated too by the negative thoughts loop. We keep reminding her that itā€™s been just a little over a week. But she is impatient about finding friends that feel right to her and says she doesnā€™t feel like herself. :face_holding_back_tears:
Hopefully once some clubs start up she will feel better. I was going to suggest journaling or writing down negative thoughts in her notes app and then deleting them? (Instead of sending them to me and causing major mom anxiety!!)
Anyway - hope things get better for any kids out there struggling. And for those who arenā€™t - Iā€™m really happy for you truly!!


S22 is doing final packing today. Tomorrow we get the moving truck, fill it, drive him down to the apartment near school, and unload it. Classes donā€™t start for a few weeks, but he wants to get to know the neighborhood and be used to ā€œshopping for food, preparing it, etcā€ before he throws ā€œand classes and papers and examsā€ into the mix. Heā€™ll have a few days with his roommate, a few days alone (roommate is going on a last trip with family), then roommateā€™s school starts a couple of weeks before S22ā€™s school. Fingers crossed that this ā€œmultiple stages of changeā€ things works well, where each one can figure out their rhythm before the other one has to deal with more workload.