Parents of the HS Class of 2022

If you are asking if National Merit is requiring confirming scores this year (they didn’t last year), according to their guide, they are. ( Page 8, blue box Item 6)

Now that I am hearing that people had to fly to Boise from CA, etc., it doesn’t seem fair that they are bringing that back while the pandemic is still impacting SAT sittings.

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I’m not sure about confirming scores; in my daughter’s case she’s just trying to qualify at all, since her school cancelled the PSAT. For kids who couldn’t take the PSAT, if they registered for alternate entry earlier this year, they could use the SAT to qualify.

I suspect the question about confirming scores is TBD. I would wager it was included in this year’s student guide as boilerplate from previous years.


Geez. And I was annoyed that the seats at our local HS were filled for the July ACT and we would have had to drive 40 miles!!! Now I feel lucky!


We were at F&M last week too and really liked it. Somehow, we stopped at Millersville on the way home and my daughter absolutely fell in love with it, which I was not expecting. We loved the Lancaster vibe too!!


More trips on the horizon, starting tomorrow! So glad places are opening up again. The goal is to see if D22 is in love with any school so much that she might want to apply ED. Will have guided tours of Lehigh, Gettysburg, Muhlenberg and Holy Cross, and will walk the campuses of Tufts and Cornell. It is interesting to see how schools are disappearing and reappearing on her list as she does more research.


We are taking a break from the tours for now so I will be living vicariously through y’all’s tours! My D22 at Gov school at our state flagship this month, so hopefully living on her own on the actual campus will recalibrate her views and we will hit our list with more understanding of what we are looking for on our second round of tours this fall. Maybe even get to take something off, or add (who knows :))


@songbirdmama, just lurking here (have a D21). Many on your D‘S list were also on my D’s. Wondering why Dickinson isn’t on your list to visit since you’re going to Gettysburg (Dickinson is just about 30 minutes away from Gettysburg via a picturesque back highway). My D preferred it to Muhlenburg, though I know all of this is very subjective! Lafayette and F&M were my D’s favorites of the PA schools, Dickinson probably #3, but I was very taken with it. We thought the little downtown just a couple of blocks from campus was cuter than the areas immediately adjacent to Lafayette, F&M or Muhlenburgh (though I agree Lancaster, on the whole, offers a lot!)

A lot of her choices are influenced by having serious food allergies. She has reached out to students and dining service managers and made lists where she felt they handled allergies well or were receptive of her questions. One won’t know the reality of how well allergies are accommodated until after enrollment, but these places made her cut. On a side note, she just cancelled the Gettysburg tour. She is also starting to lean toward mid size rather than small LAC, though to date Lafayette is still on top. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Oh, as someone with serious food allergies myself (my D doesn’t), I can totally understand! I get the changing preference for mid-sized schools too…my D was so sure she wanted a LAC, and ended up falling hard for W&M (where she applied ED and will attend). I saw in an earlier post that your D wasn’t quite smitten with W&M…I hope she soon finds her best fit school(s) that she can get excited about! Lafayette is on the larger size for a LAC (last I heard it was gearing up to expand to about 3000 students). I think my D probably would have enjoyed Lafayette just fine…that beautiful cafeteria is to die for, BTW…but as of now she’s thrilled with her choice and I’m glad she hasn’t second-guessed it!


We didn’t have an in person tour and Wm and Mary, but her concern was the sheer size of the campus - hard to run all the way back to the cafeteria at lunch between classes since that seemed like the only guaranteed food allergy friendly place. She is still researching it and we will probably go back for an in person tour in the fall. Congrats to your D!

Yes, I have heard that food is a weak spot at W&M (at all of the cafeterias), but it didn’t deter my D, who may be a little lactose intolerant, but otherwise has no food issues. Have to admit, she is not a gourmet…her tastes run too much to processed American food (to my dismay, as that is not how I brought her up😱) Hope your D22 finds exactly what she’s looking for!

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And that she is accepted there! :joy:

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I am biased as we’ve lived in Lanc the past 11 years, but the town, suburbs and surrounding towns have so much food, culture, and fun. Downtown Lancaster is pretty awesome.


@tumagmom, do you know much about Millersville?

Honestly, I don’t. Because it’s so local my kids haven’t considered it. There are many kids who do stay local for attendance but I don’t know too much about the programs.

Good luck to anyone else taking the ACT today. This is D’s last go at it and we aren’t expecting any miracles. Likely to be TO for almost all schools but an increase of 2 or more points might change that at some. Hope your kiddos all do well!


My D was supposed to take the ACT Saturday but a high school classmate and friend was shot and killed on our high school athletic field by an unknown person last week in an act of senseless gun violence. She wisely postponed the test until July.

We made plans to look at colleges in VA, NC and SC in early August.

How awful. I’m so sorry to hear that.

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That’s horrible. I am so sorry for your D’s friend and all the family and friends affected by such a tragic loss.

S22 took the ACT Saturday. He was confident from his recent practice tests, but this ACT seemed much harder to him. He does not think he improved his previous score, but we’ll see.

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