Parents of the HS Class of 2022

This is just terrible. I’m so sorry.

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Well my S22 applied to Iowa State tonight and was immediately accepted with scholarships. So, one school down and a positive start. At the very least he has a place to go for engineering.


That is amazing! Congrats to your S22.

Congrats! That’s great. I had no idea you could apply anywhere already!

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He has been interested in Iowa State. The university asked him to apply as part of their Cyclone Advance Program. He started the application while I was doing the dishes. He was admitted before I was done, with a scholarship. His grandfather graduated from Iowa State, so he had to complete another form to apply for the Generations Scholarship (which still has to be confirmed, but will). It was a shockingly quick and easy process (I wish it were that easy when I applied). I don’t think Iowa State is one of his top schools (though it does hit all of his requirements). But, he has somewhere to go that fits our budget. So, that box is checked.


Congrats!! Is this a first official college acceptance for this thread??!!


Wow! The seal has been broken!! Welcome us all to the Class of '22 admissions cycle!!

I am tired already. :joy:


So how do you know when colleges start taking applications for next year? I asked that at our parent meeting for the high school and was told August 1 is when they start. Or is the Iowa State application only for those in the Cyclone Advance Program? I figured I’d look for a date on their site, since they are clearly taking them from some group. I had no luck finding one. I’ve tried looking at others and I see many are taking applications, but they don’t say if it’s for 2021 or 2022.

Iowa State starts taking applications on July 1 from everyone.

August 1 is when the new Common App is live for the school year so I believe that is when schools who are on the Common App start taking apps.

I am guessing the earlier dates that some schools provide are schools that have their own separate way to apply online, too.

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Also, FYI, your student can make a Common App account now and fill out the demographic sections. When the new year goes live on August 1, all that information will roll over. Sometimes it can be nice for students to accomplish the straight forward parts of the App and feel like they are rolling and getting things done! :grin:


Thanks. Every time I feel like we’re good on the research, I learn more!

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Ah, good follow-up. S22 is doing a college app bootcamp at his high school this week. He started a common app account, was wondering what happens to it come August 1.


@sfSTEM that is great that he has that bootcamp. I have a D21 so I can attest that the rollover worked last year. And also I can’t say enough about how much it can help for stress reduction to start earlier. My D21 (and now my S22) had a draft of her common app essay, a draft of her activities list descriptions and the rest of the common app filled out before her senior year started, which really helped make the fall less stressful. And I have a feeling this fall might be a bit of a shock for our seniors with everyone back in person teaching normally again! :joy:

@Luanne I felt the same way! I hung out here on CC for months last year amazed at how much there was to learn. You will get to critical mass of info before the November (early) deadline, I predict. :grinning:


I told S22 about opening the Common App now and starting. He has a couple weeks before leaving for camp, so maybe get it in before that. Or at least a good chunk done. I’m hoping he’ll start on the essay next week too. We will see how motivated he is. He has a fair amount of summer school work to get done as well.

I signed us up for a tour of UMich north campus and robotics center. They are in person again starting next week!


I know that camp! S22 will be there too. We head to Hawaii for a week starting this Saturday. We’re flying out to Indiana July 4.

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Hawaii sounds like a great week! We will drive down to Indiana on July 5 and do a drive through of Purdue on the way. They don’t have official tours that day, unfortunately. Will you fly back at the end of camp or does he come home on his own?


I’m flying back to pick him up. There’s some sort of admissions event for parents on the last day. I wanted to check that out.

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@Luanne I know everyone has an opinion on the best way to write the Common App essay. I am partial to this method - it is a quick read and it gives good “before/after” examples: https://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/uploads/1/0/9/5/109505679/hack_the_college_essay_2017.pdf

(If the link doesn’t work, just Google “Hack the College Essay” and it should be the first result.)

Also, I grew up in Ann Arbor and went to UMich! I am a big fan - my father taught bio there for 40 years, too. I bet North Campus has developed since I was there but I always thought it was so pretty and I am guessing it still is. I know there are downsides to having to bus to central campus but I think the shared engineering experience is a good thing, too!


I saw your original post, and the link worked. It did blot out some letters of the URL though. I like the opening of it, forwarded to my son. Gonna read it more myself.

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