Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

My husband and I did senior skip day when we were seniors back in the early 90s. I’m from KY and he’s from CA, so seems like it’s been a nation-wide thing for a while.


Looks like my son never declined Temple’s offer and they just awarded him a $5000 a year extra scholarship. I guess that means they are still accepting people. He’s fully committed to Drexel though.



All the UCs are popular (which makes sense for a CA public high school). I don’t know the exact numbers but it seems like we have an unusually high number of seniors going to UCSD and UCI this year compared to previous years.


You might want to share that info on this thread, too: Colleges that increase merit - if you haven't yet accepted

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Besides SUNY and the local colleges, the most popular destinations for my D’s downstate NY public high school with about 300 students graduating are Penn State (7), University of South Carolina (8), Cornell (5), UConn (5), and RIT (4).


Son is graduating today and I am glad HS is over. Now, over to completing some pre-reqs at local community college, his work and other personal stuff.


Update on our D21. Like her sibs S17 and D19, D21 took the California CC route instead of going to one of her admitted UCs. She got into 5 UCs as a transfer student (4.0 at CC, good ECs), and was torn between Berkeley (joining D19) and UCLA.

We did Bruin Day on May 13. UCLA is a beautiful campus. Kids are getting a great workout, as it is quite hilly. Our D19 was jabbering in her ear about Berkeley, until we went into one of the dining facilities, which was really nice. (UCLA apparently has the best college cuisine in America.)

We ran into a couple of high school friends of D21 who were admitted as freshmen, who raved about the school and the food. D19 finally broke and said “girl, just go to UCLA.” We just sent in her down payment.


Seems like everyone is talking on here about their kids graduating - in NYC we have another MONTH until graduation! My kid is literally watching movies during every class. Torture.


Yeah and after all the assignments are done. :joy:

It’s Graduation Day for Twin 1 & Twin 2!! :tada::man_student:t4::mortar_board::man_student:t4:

And tomorrow we leave for Austin for Twin 2’s three day orientation at UT.


My kid is pleased that since he turned 18 he counts as an adult and can sign himself out. :grin:


Three graduations coming up! Youngest D from HS, older D from college and niece from HS!


D23 is starting her summer job today. lifeguarding.

We just saw D16s thesis presentation in providence last week. She’s skipping graduation - so seeing her thesis presentation was WONDERFUL and AMAZING. She presented to 9 architects from throughout the NE who gathered to critique. They were fascinating to listen to; and it went great. . . .(and we know they liked it as they were really harsh on a few other students :dizzy_face:). **I’d recommend this way to anyone if a choice was needed over master’s graduation. (plus hotels were $400/night cheaper than graduation weekend!). just so so so proud of her.

they keep growing and growing.


Whoa. That is impressive!

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23’s high school didn’t rank–and 23 usually claims they are “failing”–so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I thought they might be in the top 20% yet I didn’t know how other students were performing or how many APs other students might take.

Turns out 23 was at least in the top 12%. I only know this because they won an academic award for students who are probably #11-#15 rank. Then, I did the math.

Funny the school won’t share the class ranking but then have an entire awards ceremony to honor the top academic achievers–and then list the top achievers in the graduation program…?

What’s the point of not ranking if you’re going to spill the beans at graduation?
I can look at the program and cross check the achiever list against the class list and see who did not get above a 3.2, for instance…

Why do I care? I thought the info might have been helpful during the college search.

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Looks like it is the trend catching up in most schools. Ours too doesn’t rank so no vale or salu’s!

:roll_eyes: :hushed: :astonished: – OK our D23 had her college gmail address listed on a special co-hort scholarship she was chosen for. They emailed her with details 4 weeks ago; and she didnt catch it.

it’s all good now; but thank goodness for mom and helping her out with things.

It is a process. ** i guess i’m just saying to maybe have your kids keep monitoring those accounts just in case.


Eliminating jostling for “position” among the already high-strung, high-achieving students - which actually is quite sensible.

Our principal told us that the “top kids” pretty much figure out themselves that they are in the first decile, and even their approximate relative position between those peers. By having no Sal/Val there’s no effort/mental health wasted on trying to game the system for the second digit behind the decimal.

But yes, by the time National Merit, SAT/ACT scores, etc. came out, there was open acknowledgement of the top achievers, e.g., by-invite “awards night” - and at graduation a handful students were recognized for having had A’s in every class taken throughout the 4 years, with their names later added to a “wall of fame”.


My shaggy haired son with the “flow” chopped most of it off today. He wanted something new and to get rid of the bleached parts (a football playoffs tradition is the players all bleach their hair). He realized the long hair was a bit hot and sweaty now that the weather is warming up.

I will have nice pics for graduation coming up! :slight_smile:

(And to be clear, I don’t care and don’t dictate hair styles.)