Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)


We live in Berkeley. Even though it rained a lot this past year, I don’t remember the last time anyone in our house used an umbrella. The kids also have rain jackets that they don’t use. Like you, I am curious what will happen in college. I expect my kid will at least figure out some way to cover up his backpack so it won’t get soaked while he’s walking around in the rain.


Also in the pnw. I’m not sure that we own an umbrella!

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To my surprise the kids at my D’s college use umbrellas. She had never used one before but walking around campus it’s what makes sense.

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Another person checking in from the PNW here!

Kids don’t really use umbrellas. A shell is going to be the most versatile thing you can get, i.e. a waterproof shell that can be layered underneath according to the weather. Goretex for breathability is typically better than “a slicker.” (Are they going to be biking? If so make sure that the jacket is self described as having room for a helmet.)

Shoes are a very personal choice, and usually dictated by what they see their peers wearing. I would wait until your kid gets a read on what’s the norm around their campus, before buying a pair of waterproof shoes. There are pull on options like deck boots, there’s the classic duck boot, there are water resistant hiking boots
you’re better off waiting to see what kids in the area are wearing than spending the money on something they decide they’ll never wear.

As for a backpack - the roll down “dry bag” style is most foolproof; I would avoid anything that you need to add to the pack to make it waterproof (like a cover). My kiddo has used a roll top for the last 4 years through drenching rain and on his bike and it’s worked great. They aren’t inexpensive, but they’ll last for years and so the wears per use comes out and it keeps their books and laptop dry.

I would still send a decent folding umbrella, but get the jacket and pack that will work in the rain regardless.


Me: “What email address did you give the drivers license office?”
D26: “Mine.”
Me: “Do you actually check it?”
D26: (long pause)
Me: (staring)
D26: “Well, I guess I could

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other than summer 2023 :rofl:

Free gmail account is fine and highly recommended. Our 23 was getting an average of 70 college emails a day at peak before applications were due. It was insane.


My Cuse kid is bringing a light rain jacket and im making him take an umbrella. It will be about an 8-10 min walk from Lawrinson to most of his classes!


just looking at my daughter’s college email account - which is on my computer as well as her phone. she has 4169 unread emails. And, because she quit looking at it she missed an important email from her scholarship program back in may! luckily she caught it a month later, and they changed her email address to her real one.

incredibly thankful that she didnt have her real email clogged with all of these. She wasnt ready for the onslaught and constant monitoring. (ok; on my junk email account i have 13k+ emails that are unread. i should just close that down!)


As Fall semester bills come due, just pointing out that one needs a college degree just to understand them (after getting access to them, another step), and also to keep track of scholarships that most often appear much later. In general all this has been so much more pleasant to deal with for my S23 at a SLAC than for my S21 at Big University. Still, the deadlines are approaching fast and neither son’s bill fully reflects the scholarships we need to bring down that bottom line! It must be so hard for parents of first-generation students.


YES! I absolutely agree!!

S23’s college doesn’t have the bill due until late September, well after classes begin. I’ve never seen that before – all our other kids schools wanted the money ASAP well before the term started. They had no commitment deposit either. Nor a downpayment for housing. He literally has a committed dorm room and we have yet to pay a dime for anything. And they have been good about sending out emails, having special websites, etc. to remind people of dates, provide tutorials, etc. I’ve already setup ACH electronic payment with my band for example on their payment website even though I haven’t received any bills. So by the time the bills do come, 90% of the work will be done.

Agree! Especially stuff like the insurance waiver which I would not have known about if not for College Confidential!


Dorm assignments and roommate assignments came out. DD got the Covid installed trailer park dorms instead of one of the beautiful historic or new ones. At least she has a good attitude about it. There will be no shopping for dorm room as she was at boarding school for two years. A school with all singles after freshman year so this will be her first time having a roommate ever. Kids have been visiting grandparents for a week, they come home tomorrow, then she leaves for boyfriend’s lake house for 2 weeks, home for 5 days then off to college, and I can’t even take her because I need to save those 2 vacation days (why is move in on a Tuesday?). Where did the summer go?

First bill due Aug. 15 :grimacing:. It’s getting real.


Ours was due today. Ick.

Hope she vibes with the roommate!


Yikes this summer is speeding by; graduation was a month ago, and in one month I take him to college. It’s a SLAC where you’re paired with your roommate, and they send out contact info and dorm assignments the first week of August which seems relatively late!

He’s working for two more weeks, then a week to see family, then packing and leaving. He is SO EXCITED, and I am so excited for him, and also internally: :sob:


Both of my older kids went to SLAC’s where the college paired them with their roommates and in both cases they stayed together all 4 years and remained friends after. At least those two schools did an excellent job of pairing.


That’s amazing!

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Our tour guide at DD’s SLAC said she is getting ready to room with her random freshman roommate for the 3rd year in a row. Their system works most of the time. Fingers crossed!

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