Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

They are still together. We have met her and she’s very nice - light years ahead of some of the questionable girlfriends he had in high school :slight_smile:

We are planning to take Thanksgiving down to Bama, since it’s too far for him to come home, and Thanksgiving is a big deal in our family. His big sis is flying in with her family from Canada. We’ll drive down. The idea is to rent a beach house near Mobile. The GF will stay with us (she’s from Mobile, so she’ll go home for the turkey, but spend the rest of the time with us).


Love hearing how everything is going!

D23 was placed in a quad with 3 sophomores so we were a little worried but so far everything is great.

She went for an early arrival program and met lots of nice people and then came down with covid at the end of it (first time ever) and had to miss the whole first week of classes. She was SO disappointed and was thrilled to go to classes this past week! Biggest issue was being confined to her room with no AC during a major heat wave. Much better this week!!

She’s figured out the campus bus system, joined a few clubs, and is exploring all the different cafes and dining halls where she can use her dining plan.

Bumpy start but I’m feeling like she’s definitely where she’s supposed to be!


Dang two weeks and already in the family :slight_smile:

sorry about covid and missing classes.

I have NO IDEA what rules are about covid any more. just go to classes when you feel better? how did she get testing? (was it free?)

I’m very very thankful it’s not like fall 2020. that was THE WORST for kids.
glad she’s better now.

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Surprise surprise, S23 decided to come home for a visit this weekend (only today, since he’s going on a Hillel retreat on Sun-Mon). Sounds like he is enjoying the level of challenge in his classes, excited about all the opportunities, accepted to the top orchestra, applied to some engineering clubs, gets along with his (randomly selected) roommates and other kids on his floor, etc etc., generally a happy kid :heart:

I’m impressed that he did not bring dirty laundry home, it seems that he has learned how to do laundry :laughing:


My S23 is coming home for a little less than 24 hours this weekend. We’re picking him up after church tomorrow and taking him back Monday AM. I’m happy he has activities keeping him busy today and Monday, and happy he wants to make connections at his new church rather than come home to our familiar church. It sounds very reasonable and balanced. :grin:

He has said the food is absolutely terrible, and although he is getting enough calories, he doesn’t feel like his nutrition is great overall. Also, we have a heatwave coming this week and he is on the 3rd floor with a tiny window and no AC. He wants to enjoy a bit of comfortable climate for one night, and get some good food. :heart_eyes:


Kid is coming home next weekend. So looking forward to getting more details, though he’s generally not a talker. Likes his roommate fine, they’re both quiet. Seems to like his classes. He was up late last night doing a multi variable calculus assignment that was due at midnight. He says the food is good. He’s joined a Christian fellowship group and seems to be having fun with that.


D23 sounds happy, planning on doing homework until the game later this afternoon (she texted this morning).

She and her roommate are getting along, she has a really sweet group of friends from what I’ve been able to gather from her texts and they’ve also joined a Church near campus. Her group has been enjoying the 11am service and getting brunch afterwards.

Fingers crossed it continues, feeling like this was exactly the right place for her!


She was pretty sick (103 fever and severe sore throat) so went to student health and was tested there. They said they are seeing a huge surge of both covid and flu already. She was just told to isolate as best she could in her room and could return to class in 5 days if she was fever free by then.

Not ideal but could have been worse - she mostly missed syllabus days etc. Only her chem lab that she missed is giving her any issues and she seems to be getting that straightened out.

I’m a little jealous of those who are getting to see their kiddos already! I won’t see D23 until Thanksgiving. As opposed to D20 who is only a hour away and I’ll see twice this month, for her birthday and a football game. I don’t see D20 all the time but knowing I CAN’T see D23 has been a hard adjustment for me!

D23 isn’t coming home this weekend (welcome back! now it’s time to get on your return flight), but Google Maps tells us she is at UNT’s opening football game (which, according to the oddsmakers, UNT is expected to lose, but college football for all but a handful of teams is mainly about the spectacle and being in the crowd).


Life360 tells me he is at the Dome watching the first Cuse preseason game. Cuse is up 37-0 at the half.
I am sad that he won’t send pics (even though his friends are all sending photos to their parents). Boo on him!


Our D23 moved inter her dorm on Tuesday. She’s in a triple and yesterday called me crying that one of her roommates tested positive for COVID (she sounded like she had a cold during move in day). The school basically told us there is nothing they can do, that our Ds would have to stay in the room with the sick roommate. I sent my D with tests and masks and both her and the other roommate have tested negative with no symptoms thus far. Understandably, none of their new friends would let them stay in their rooms. The other mom and I split the cost to put them up in a nearby hotel for three nights until Monday. Luckily, I had enough points for one free night but I’m really unsure how to address it going forward. Classes start on Tuesday so it was important to us that our Ds not miss the beginning of school. Do any colleges still have rooms where sick students can quarantine?

Colleges and society have forgotten about covid with colleges eliminating covid housing. It never went away but it’s back now. I just left the national Museum of African American History and Culture in DC - tix required to control the crowd and it was wall to wall people.

With the heat this year and more spending time inside, rates are going to be up. It’s just people are no longer bothering to test and isolate. On a college campus, it will make things worse.

Glad your student is resting and will be ok.


The covid kid should have moved out. Or paid the hotel. My kid had his own room in an apartment and he hated me for it but I put him in the candlewood suites for five days. It’s the responsible thing to do.

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Schools wouldn’t quarantine kids for common cold or influenza and they’re not going to quarantine for COVID anymore. If you’re concerned about it, you should vaccinate. Beyond that, we’re all going to be living with this every year. There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.


Our D is vaccinated. The difference is the CDC or colleges don’t have guidelines for kids with the common cold and flu to quarantine for five days. Her school requires students who test positive to isolate in place for five days. Here’s what they say about the roommates:

A student sharing a room with a COVID positive person has the option of remaining in the room. If a student decides to seek alternative housing, it will be at their own expense. As you would anytime your roommate might become ill, be considerate – let them get rest and sleep, and do your best to minimize disturbances.

I know it’s what they’re doing but it stinks and is irresponsible. They don’t want to have covid housing because they want to rent the rooms. But it’s unfair to the other two students who presumably will get it.

Yea we have to live with it but the infected should have to clear out.

They likely go to the dining hall and more etc.

Oh well.


I think as we move forward, tests will become less available and less utilized.

The schools have no reason at this point to keep reserved quarantine housing. I’m not saying you don’t have reason to be concerned, I’m saying I think this is our new reality. People will get COVID every fall and we will all be exposed to them, especially our kids on college campuses.


This. Because it’s no longer an emergency. My daughter was much sicker with the flu her first year and laughed that she stayed home an extra 5 days after the winter break to quarantine for asymptomatic covid but just stayed in her room when she could barely sit up with the flu.


just recently, my friend told me about her son at Baylor, fall 2020. He lived with 3 other guys. Each guy got covid successively; and because he was exposed, he had to quarantine for two weeks (or whatever that number was) after each kid caught it. The kids all got over it, and were free to go; he was in quarantine almost 5 weeks total as he never got it. At that point, he left in Nov. to go home and stayed home till the next semester.

I guess i’m saying:

  1. SO SO SO SO THANKFUL those rules are over.
  2. I’d probably just have my kid stay in the dorm with their sick roommate rather than make arrangements elsewhere. Because honestly, if one kid gets it, probably a large majority will.

my d23 did say everyone around her was getting sick. Covid? who knows? not sure if they are testing. She was very hoarse with a cold last week. feeling fine now.