Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)


Another great option, both in location and quality.
That’s the same deal that had been offered to my daughter. She had visited Amherst on the way to Williamstown and did not “feel” Amherst College, but surprised herself by actually loving UMass.


Yes, plus it was just eye-opening to me when I saw how they dealt with any ‘negative’ news like suicides, deaths, assaults on campus … I much prefer a bit of openness and what we’re doing to help this from happening in the future vs denial.


Thank you so, so much! I look forward for to reading that thread. Thank you for sharing your family’s experiences. :heart:

The valedictorian of my daughter’s boarding school went to PSU Shreyer’s HC over Carnegie Mellon last year! She was a NMF. She is reportedly very happy.


Thanks for sharing ! Will let my daughter know!

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I don’t know if this link has been shared already, but NACAC (National Association of College Admission Counseling) WILL have a list of schools that will still accept application post-May 1st.


The NACAC list may come out before May 1. Last year it came out March 31 and was updated daily.


Visited all 3 of these schools with my D23s (twins) and liked them all a lot! (All three of them made my daughters’ lists.) Based on your son’s interests, the flexible programs at both Richmond and W&M may be a better fit. I know with Richmond everyone goes in “undecided” even for those interested in majoring in business (as are my girls). It’s too bad that Villanova is so competitive even for a business minor because the school overall could be a great choice otherwise.
Good luck with the decision!


A lot of honors programs mean priority registration for classes which can be huge at a large school.


Yea! Thank God! It’s my daughter who will evaluate and decide! We really have not done much for her since her toddler years!
Probably she turned out strong and wise because of immature parents!

Forgot that Villanova has Economics in A&S as well so maybe it is also a good option for your son if his business interest is specifically in Economics.

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So our DC has received the last college decision today. We now need to visit the top candidates and also review curriculum again. Final results are below. Recently DC mentioned law school instead of science PhD which really changes the need to keep undergrad costs low. Our other kid will be a college senior so there’s a slight discount that will disappear at non-merit schools when there’s no longer 2 in college. We’re working through pairwise comparisons to see what shakes out. All are great and DC would be fine at any of these.

Accepted to
Pitt Honors w merit
NC State
UMD Honors w merit

Not accepted


Wow, that is quite a list of acceptances! What’s your child leaning toward?


I guess last 3 acceptances would work great for pre-law :laughing:




@socalmom007 I believe Duke is a top pick for our DC followed by Hopkins, UMD, Georgetown and Penn in no particular order other than random memory recall. We have visits lined up within the week and later this month.

We’re not rushing the decision, but I’d like to get on to the twin or twinXL, mattress topper, dorm decor, ikea/ikea-like bags, move-in planning stage.


Congratulations to your kiddo! The hard part is over. Any of those colleges will be good for law school preparation. GPA and LSAT score are the most important metrics for law school admissions.

Beyond that, your kiddo should choose a major that requires analysis and synthesis. Lots of law school bound kids like political science. I majored in English-Lit but some of my more brilliant classmates were philosophy, theology, and natural science majors. All types can excel in law school.

Looking forward to hearing the final decision!


Can I ask why UMD is in this mix?

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Great question. Colleges got on the list, left the list due to some logic that’s not mine. DC really liked all of the colleges but is whittling down based primarily on academic fit. The Honors College at UMD is very appealing.


This is a silly question that I just realized I don’t understand even though I’ve been scrolling through CC for months…
When y’all say “top 20” schools or “top 100” schools, what are you going by? USNWR? Or another kind of list? I feel like rankings are all over the place depending on source…