Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

She has a lot of interests including Chem and Physics, but also enjoys humanities coursework, plus Davidson has the 3/2 Engineering with WashU and Columbia. Also, she was nominated for the Belk by her school, and we knew from D21 what a wonderful campus/community and tip-top rigorous education Davidson provides.

She is still considering all options including Wake, but finances are not a consideration. The perks for the scholars are amazing and it is a wonderful institution with a great balance of ABET approved Engineering within a liberal arts curriculum, and dance too.


Parent works at Drexel.

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Some my son saw where very humanities based - and well he ran :slight_smile: Didn’t apply to those.

He’s in his but does squat with it and like much of his school, is dropping it this semester (his last). It was about the dorm and early class registration. And nothing else.

A name like Wake is hard to pass up even if its engineering history is short - and hey, we all want to save $350K - even if money is no factor, right :slight_smile: And it’s Wake.

The 3/2 is interesting - I wonder if kids follow through on those - and it is an extra year of work and a year of lost salary - why I was wondering.

On the flip side, a kid can easily change their mind after they apply - like I wanted to do physics - but now I really want to be an engineer. That happens too.

What an awesome list of acceptances and a COA from anywhere is impressive, whether taken or not!!! Good luck wherever the student lands.


early class registration can be key! gives you the pick of times and professors.

(but my non-honors college student always found a way to make it work though).

all good thoughts -


Still deciding for sure


Apparently did not get Tuition Exchange at Temple so the Drexel has been confirmed.


Originally he didn’t have any safeties. We felt pretty good about his chances at UNC given his profile and who’s been accepted from our region (plus a legacy bump). On the advice of this board, we added UCSD as another high likely.

S21 had a similar approach. He applied to Michigan and Texas as his high likelies. Got into Michigan…Texas came back with shenanigans (“never processed his application”…its a thing with some international applications).

Well UCSD and Texas and Michigan as likelies.

We better delete your comments from the website. It’s bad for next year’s applicants :slight_smile:


All decisions in. Applied as Vocal Performance major. 3.4 gpa. 35ACT. Lots of EC’s.

Accepted at 100% of schools applied to. Cost of Attendance (COA) is tuition/dorm/food only.

Northern Arizona University. 9k merit. COA 39k

Jacksonville U (FL). 45k Fine Arts and Academic Merit. COA 16k

U of Louisiana Lafayette. 27,696 Live Oak Scholarship. COA 8k (plus additional 800-1600/yr discount)

Loyola New Orleans. 32k Esports Scholarship. COA 28k

Stetson- Set rate-41k scholarship via TE. COA 29k.

Baldwin Wallace- Full tuition scholarship via TE. COA 9k

DePaul- 29k merit given. Denied TE. COA 26k

U North Florida. Can apply for 12k off. Estimated COA 27k.

Xavier (OH). 25k merit. COA 33k

Gustavus Adolphus. 41k set rate TE award. COA 24k

Ball State. MSEP tuition. COA 25k

U of Dayton. 24k academic merit. 4500 Music merit. Denied TE. COA 35k

Western Michigan. 2k merit. COA 29k

U of Minn-Twin Cities. 4k merit. COA 24K

Syracuse- Set rate TE-41k. Plus additional 20k Music Leadership Scholarship. COA 18k.

Indiana U- Likely COA 28-52k.


I missed that Syracuse acceptance? That’s pretty fab! Do you think you’ll have an answer soon? I can’t remember where you are geographically - if that makes any region more attractive. I’m ready to call it a day here. In the middle of a merit matching convo with D23’s top school and then we will be done. Hopefully next week.


Any clear favorites yet?

I’m exhausted just reading that list! WOW! Impressive!!


This midwest kid really, really wanted to get out of the midwest for a bit and was really hoping for warmer weather. We understand he is blessed to be a male with a deep voice who is in demand at music schools so competition was less fierce.

Thoughts based on visits…

He visited LoyNo twice and loved it but sadly, the money did not come through as we hoped. UL-L is a lovely campus with amazingly friendly people but my son thought the music program too small. Baldwin Wallace has a top notch program, truly great with beautiful facilities but he worries a bit about it being perhaps “too intense” and the area being closest and most like home. Jacksonville U still not totally knocked off with beautiful campus with supportive instructors but again he worries about the program maybe being too small and not challenging enough but it would allow him to explore which interests him. Stetson is off the list. His dad was turned off by the tour guides mentioning free narcan twice and another reference to LSD. Plus dad and son both thought the downtown area while “cute” felt older and less college like. Gustavus Adolphus off the list. They are doing great things at the school and starting to update but my son felt it too small and too remote.

He is meeting with Syracuse via Zoom next week and visiting with his dad in 2 weeks. It checks a lot of his boxes.


Are you out of state for UNC? If so supposedly in-state does not get a legacy bump only out of state unless things have changed.

I only write this for future applicants that might read it.

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Funny I’m with my daughter and she mentioned NARCAN training and wants to go in case she was in a situation where she needed to administer it to someone. At first I was like why do you need that until she explained.

I just told her what you wrote about a reason to remove a school and she said all schools have kids taking drugs. That it’s responsible they offer it.

I guess it just depends on the angle you look at it from.

I mean I thought it was odd she mentioned it and now you’re the second mention in 24 hours.


Im all for narcan education as an ER nurse! I guess it was a bit out of context and drugs mentioned 3 times during a short college tour that my ex and child thought it odd. Sounds like it was done more as a selling point of the school versus a “college safety” talk done to a large group of college aged kids.


Carrying narcan is like learning CPR. You never know when you might be in a position to save a life. I sent my daughter to college with narcan - not because I thought she or her friends would be shooting heroin, but because fentanyl can show up in marijuana or cocaine and if she could save someone’s life I wanted her to be prepared. Along with lots of lectures about fentanyl and its dangers and so on - I definitely don’t think I gave her permission to use drugs :). But I sent her with condoms and narcan - you should have seen them in cvs when I walked in asking for narcan, condoms and plan B (plan B turned out to be expensive so I passed on that on the assumption if needed they could get it at cvs or wherever - she is in a state where that should not be an issue). That said your son is in the choosing phase - any reason is fine to knock a school off the list!


This will be me as well with my son.


You’re a great mom. I’m all about being prepared and informing kids of knowing and accessing resources, and having them. And you taught me something today about narcan.

(Your comment about faces of CVS staff when asking about Plan B, narcan and condoms is priceless.)