Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

My feelings too! <3 Here’s to our kids’ next chapter!


This day is bittersweet! All the hard work that went into each application, all the nagging, the campus visits, the rollercoaster of emotions with each decision, and today we are done! Best wishes to all your kids on their next chapter! Best wishes to all who are still waiting for those waitlist offers. Parents, we did good! I have one more kid in high school - class of 2027 - so I’ll be hopping onto that forum next! Take care, everyone!


Me too, see you there


So aptly written. After putting so much into each application, it was bittersweet to withdraw the acceptances to all those great choices. No regrets though :blush:
Good luck to all the 2023 students.


My son made it official Saturday afternoon-Case Western Reserve University here he comes! It was a bumpy ride, but we are all so happy this worked out! Congrats on all these great decisions! I really appreciate all the help and feedback you offered throughout this journey. We are now prepping for the empty nest chapter which we are NOT ready for! It definitely helps that my son will only be 3 hours from home, unlike my daughter (who chose Loyola New Orleans, which is 19 hours by car with no direct flights!) Best wishes to all your amazing kids-they will shine no matter where they go!


Congratulations!! Woohoo! I’ve been hoping for Case to work out, and I’m so excited for him.

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re: internships and timing; we saw fall as the big time to hit the big companies; at least for our actuarial and architecture kids.

With our s20 computer engineering kid, he started applying over winter of this year, and was inundated during feb and even march with email notifications for internship openings in electrical/computer engineering. I wondered why there was such a difference. … maybe more job need in the engineering sector?

D23 has a guaranteed internship with the international company who sponsors her engineering scholarship; including Hawaii office locations! she’s interested in that after sophomore year.

so btw: our actuarial son was not offered a position after his internship co-hort; 3 out of 10 were offered jobs, and a UT kid was kicked out half-way through! my kiddo HATED the question the next fall in interviews why he wasnt offered a position after his internship; but good learning/growth situation, right? He’s killing it now in the field.


That’s great! Congratulations!:confetti_ball:

So my D23 who will be pursuing Comp Sci should start looking this coming fall for internships in summer 2024?:grin:

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Yes. Her school has a career fair Sept 26-28. There are lots of resources on the UMD Career Center site to help students prepare for the career fair. It might be a good thing to look at over the summer.


Thanks for the info!
I will pass it on.

I spoke with couple of students in UMD when we visited this Saturday about career opportunities.
They said it usually is so crowded and hard to get to meet those top companies which everyone is trying to make contact.
So other than trying to go meet the one who has availability. Are there any proven strategies to make contact with good companies that might help?:grin:
When I asked students they said go to LinkedIn!

There is a separate career fair for CS students which is less crowded (I know because my company participates). If you have questions please feel free to PM me.


I don’t know anything about UMD but, again, I would caution against giving up because of what someone else might have said.

The UMD website has job/internship search strategies. Ask your student to spend some time on that website.


So when I was at my mba career fair, a few companies - Toyota who I was interested in - was packed.

I skipped them. Instead of hitting 1 or 2, I went for quantity.

I ended up at another OEM but did interview with Toyota. In fact they flew me to LA, etc. I forget how I made contact but I probably grabbed a card and wrote the person there.

So given the world of indeed and linked in, you might go this route.

Before the job fair, my son would make a list - priority one firms, priority two, and priority three. Your school will provide an advanced list of attendees.

This way he knew the level of importance but he also knew that if a line was too long that he’d hit the next with a goal of hitting as many as possible through at least priority two.

Often these are resume collectors. Some will set up interviews. But with linked in and indeed (you can set up searches to feed you daily), you’ll have a chance even if you swing and miss at the career fair.

And for those who want I banking / finance and consulting, you still have a chance. My son applied to Jane Street and they reached out right away. Also a consulting firm reached out. The internet equalizes a lot of things.

Good luck.


So happy for you! What a long trip it’s been and I think you’ve been a great advocate for your son all the way, through the ups and downs.


He took a swing at Princeton in EA.

One of the biggest decisions in the process was if he should ED to Duke (with a much higher acceptance rate) or if he should take a home run cut at another school. He had visited Princeton in the spring and had relatives who attended there, so he decided to take a shot (deferred, then rejected…no WL thankfully). We were a little nervous but it worked out in the end.

He really loved Rice…gave it some serious consideration.


I posted D’s decision on another thread and I should post it here, too.

But first, I want to thank each and everyone of you who had the patience to read my sometimes rambling, stressed out, and frustrated posts over the last few years. I especially want to express my gratitude to all of you who thoughtfully responded and shared your knowledge and extended your compassion. I don’t think my replies ever adequately conveyed how thankful I was.

It was so nice for me to be able to come here and read your posts and share a part of your lives. Thank you, parents of 23s.

My D23 chose something totally unexpected at around 9 pm on May 1 after going through her top choices again and again.


She realized it had a a school especially for environmental science with a variety of majors, and that it was significantly cheaper than her other choices. The weather and surrounding environment was what she wanted.

With the other colleges that had her preferred majors, there were other things she didn’t like. And the schools that she liked overall didn’t offer the exact majors she was interested in.

I made her apply there because a sibling attended there and had a great experience. She felt it was too close and too familiar, but it the end it has what she wants at the right price. Not too big but not too small. She can bike or skateboard. There are some shops and restaurants nearby, and Philly is not very far at all. As soon as the decision was made, alll the stress she had been feeling dissipated.

But what a surprise.


@MACmiracle Rowan sounds like a great choice for her.

Ever since I heard Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History about Rowan, it intrigues me. Such an interesting story.


I’m going to google that.
@MACmiracle - so happy for you and your d23!