Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

I think I missed part of this, but hugs—as it sounds difficult.

Is your son not going to his remaining high school classes? Some high schools have already graduated, so I’m not sure if this is what you mean?

Our district goes through June 8th.
I let him take a light schedule senior year as he was advanced in all subjects.

So they gave him 2 study halls, band, choir, AP Lit, Autos, and early release.

His motivation for high school is super low! He will pull things out for grades as he always does but attendance has been a struggle. Especially this last semester.

Good news is he went to the bank and set up his new bank account and went to the auto store to get the part needed to fix his car (which we have been asking him to do for months now)!!

Stubborn boy.


Parenting is so hard. It’s crazy. Hang in there - it’s a one day at a time sort of thing. And yes celebrate every little victory!

I can’t remember where he’s going to college but hopefully all he has to do is actually graduate and they don’t really care about senior grades?


A fun tidbit. It’s been a pretty stressful year. Well really the past 4 years have been a nightmare for our studious school loving daughter and for us.

She mentioned today that she had a joyous moment yesterday where it started to sink in that she gets to go AWAY. And to New England, even! To a school community that seems wonderfully fun and welcome and that’s right by the ocean. To study what SHE wants to. To study at all when for the last 4 years she hasn’t really gotten to truly learn deeply like she prefers to do.

And the cherry on top will be expanding her social circle and getting a fresh start like so many kids her age are very ready to do.

I am so overjoyed and optimistic for her for the first time in a very long time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


D23’s gotten her final grades for spring semester (no non-DE classes, finals week at the university ended last Friday)—all As!

So the college transcript is now ordered and on its way to UNT for transfer credit evaluation. (It’ll take a couple or three weeks for the college course grades to get placed on the high school transcript, at which point that one gets ordered.)

It’s getting really real, y’all.


S23’s high school ultimate frisbee team just won one of the sixteen slots to go to the national championships - the kids are so proud - it’s a tiny high school of around 65 kids, and they compete with high schools that are typically 1,000-3,000 kids.

But…they can’t go. Seven of the kids (mine included) are seniors, and the two day tournament is the last day of school and graduation. There are only 17 kids in the graduating class, so it’s a very personal and heartfelt graduation day (which also includes their 1st grade buddies!) and they just can’t miss it.

Wish we could put them in time machines and make it work - but it’s just not possible. Today the class is off camping together as tomorrow is Senior Skip day, and the last month of school is flying by so very fast. :sob:


Oh that’s so wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. The year my S21 was a sophomore (and on the JV team), the varsity team made nationals and it took insane heroics for them to go (including a significant subset of players who had to play their final jazz ensemble show and then race to the airport to make a red eye flight to IL — there’s a regular overlap between jazz kids and ultimate kids at our HS). They went on to win the whole thing! But we are a huge public HS. Can’t imagine it with a small school. What an honor to get the invitation! Congratulations to your kid and teammates.


Have kids they said…it will be so rewarding they said! 13 days left in the school year. AP Exams done. Everything Done. Senior Activities starting. Smooth Sailing right?! Wrong! Four years of busting his backside and it all comes down to a Wednesday afternoon email I get from Twin 2’s Economics teacher that he has not yet turned his Final Project and if she doesn’t receive it by 12:00 pm Friday (TODAY!) he will fail/not receive credit for the class and thus not graduate since Econ is a grad requirement. His counselor is copied on the email. No late submissions accepted. No ifs, ands or buts.

OHH EMM GEEE…this kid is least bothered. He’s like “what’s the big deal, it’s due 12:00 pm Friday right? I’ll get it in before then”. The Senioritis has been so strong with this one!! I’ve never seen him in such procrastination mode.

He submitted it this morning at 10:00 am. I got email confirmation from his teacher. It’s all good.

Like why are they wired this way?! :weary::weary::weary:



My senior refuses to go to his study hall. Computers aren’t allowed in study hall, so he thinks it’s a waste of time with the work he needs to complete. He comes to my classroom instead. I just realized he has 32 unexcused absences in study hall. :roll_eyes: He cares not at all.


I am sure the quality of the paper was top notch. Relax Mom, lol.


I hear you! I just was copied on a note to file that a teacher does not have the submission for a major piece of work that was due Wednesday (and…10% markdown for each day an assignment is late without an extension).

My kid went out of cell service range yesterday - their class has Senior Skip Day today, so they all went camping together Thursday afternoon and are coming back Saturday night.

Major Senior-itis happening here :roll_eyes:

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I get it, we had the same problem with S23 not wanting to do anything these past few weeks. Luckily he finished the year on Tuesday, he is so happy to be done!


Stanford moved this year? Do you know anyone who got in personally or was it from message boards?

We are currently in the situation of “will fail/not receive credit” for a core class required for graduation due to late work (missed school for 2 weeks in 4th quarter due to school-related activities representing the school nationally but did not make up the work until the past 2 weeks - grrr). Two days ago, the school counselor emailed saying the teacher would accept the work through today and it would be graded; everything was submitted last night. Teacher is refusing to grade the work (even for partial credit) even though my student has jumped through all of the hoops and has a 504 plan. My student has been questioned by the teacher and felt judged throughout the attempt to make amends. As it stands with 0% credit, it may be 65-66% for the semester if the final is aced (70% needed to pass). We asked for any extra work and been told no.

Summer school/credit recovery class was brought up this morning when we questioned the counselor about the teacher refusing to grade the work. How would the summer school/credit recovery for 1 semester of a 2-semester class look on the HS transcript and to the college (where a hefty competitive scholarship is in place)? I am uncertain … do we push our argument (knowing the school will side with the teacher) or plan for credit recovery options (I don’t even know what they are or where to go)?

There are posts here and on reddit, before May 1.

I’m sorry, I know you are frustrated but you made me laugh. :joy: That’s why I like to come to this board, I know I’m not alone in my frustration with my teenagers. :wink:


Me too - exactly.


So glad my kid is not the only one!


S23’s ditch day was today, the same day as his AP Latin exam, which is by far his hardest class. So no slacking here, especially as he needs at least a 3 to get out of the required one year of foreign language in college. We did let him sleep in and miss school this morning so he could do some more last minute studying. Fingers crossed it works out.


S23 is done, AP Calc BC and AP Computer Science was the same day, day after AP Physics C, tough couple of day. Prom is tomorrow and is over.