Parents want me to apply to a top tier school...

<p>but I honestly think that I have NO chance of getting in.</p>

<p>My college list prior to the Oct SAT consists of 4 UCs (Berkeley, LA, San Diego, and Davis) and an accelerated dental program at University of Pacific. But since I retook the SAT and my score came out.. Okay-ish (better than my last one), my parents are pushing me to apply to Johns Hopkins.</p>


<p>My stats:
GPA -3.7 UW, 4.0 UC weighted, 4.17 weighted
April 06: 2050 (620R700M730W)
Oct 06: 2120 (640R800M680W)
Chinese w/Listening: 800
Math IIC: 780
Biology M: 730</p>

<p>interned with a biotech company for 3 weeks last summer
200+ volunteer hours at local hospital
10+ years of piano</p>

<h2>was in two of the drama shows at school</h2>

<p>The thing is, even if I do apply, I'm going to have a hard time getting rec letters and school reports since our school deadline was Oct. 20. teacher loves me so I know the rec. letters will be good, but the counselor report is probably going to suck. We just got a new counselor and she probably doesn't even know who I am.</p>

<p>What should I do? Apply to Johns Hopkins, or just forget about it? Do I even stand a chance?</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>Muster up some confidence. Make an effort. You can make applications and have a fine chance.</p>

<p>Don't apply to any schools you don't want to apply to.</p>

<p>I hate it when people say "top tier" schools. To some, that's State others, only Harvard will do...</p>

<p>That being said, Hopkins is a very slight reach.</p>

<p>"My college list prior to the Oct SAT consists of 4 UCs (Berkeley, LA, San Diego, and Davis) and an accelerated dental program at University of Pacific."</p>

<p>wow i dont want to sound creepy but that is exactly the same college list that i have, although my stats arent as impressive as yours, oneday.</p>

<p>i say doesnt hurt. but if you are seriously considering becoming a dentist then UoP's five year program is the best way to go.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>^ WOW, that IS creepy.</p>

<p>thanks everyone for your comments. and I'm sorry that I offended you,HeavenWood, I really didn't mean to.</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor today, and sadly, she just flat out told me "NO" and that she will NOT write me the counselor report. She said that our school deadline has already passed therefore she is not taking anymore requests.
Sorry to rant but I really don't like her! She's new (my old counselor left), and when I talked to her, she didn't even let me in her office - she basically stood in front of the door and we talked there in less than 2 minutes. AHHHHH :(:(
My parents are going to talk to her tomorrow to see if there's anything I can do, if not, then I guess I CANNOT apply even if I wanted to....</p>

<p>I am so glad the counselors at my D's school are so good and helpful. They would never tell a kid no. (Will give honest evaluations and recommendations - but never tell them they won't do it.) What is up with an October deadline???? That's just crazy.</p>

<p>Hopefully your parents can get somewhere with them. </p>

<p>Really burns me when things like this happen to kids. The counselors need to realize they need to do the job they get paid for.</p>

<p>Really! That is ridiculous that the counselor will not help with a rec after a Oct 20 deadline! What if someone doesn't get in their ED school and has to apply to others before Jan 15th or some later deadline. Also, as in my older s's case, he changed his mind and applied somewhere else after Jan 1, a school that wasn't even on his original list. I think your parents need to talk to a school administrator too (if they don't get satisfaction from the counselor) Oct. 20 is too early to shut off any chance of getting a rec. imo!</p>

<p>Be careful, Oneday. Ask your parents to be careful, too, about how they handle this. The counselor can screw you in the rec. What good is it to p*** off the counselor? Some of the colleges that you already applied to may come back to the counselor for clarifications, so don't unncessarily involve administrators, etc. If your school had a deadline, isn't the counselor justified in refusing??</p>

<p>^^^^ For any juniors reading this.<br>
Get serious with college apps in the summer, go early to your counselor and teachers. Early birds get the best response.
I applied to 11 places by Oct 25th, everything was so smooth.
(I have nightmares of getting rejected everywhere, but that is another thread.)</p>

<p>Hey Oneday, don't stand for that crap from your counselor. Go talk to your principal. Tell him/her that you have some ambition and want to try a top school - I'm sure that s/he won't hold you back from attempting a top college. Heck, it'll only make your school look better.</p>

<p>Yeah, don't back down to your ass of a counselor so easily. Also, a bad counselor rec isn't going to make that much of a difference, because most schools know that counselors generally don't know students very well and thus can't write a very accurate rec. This will be especially true if your counselor decides to be stupid and write a bad rec, but your teacher recs portray you as a very good person/student.</p>

<p>Assuming your parents get the counselor to write the letter, or get the principal to intervene on your behalf to get her to write it, this might be one situation in which you do NOT waive your right to see the letter -- or at least make sure the princ. reviews it before it goes out!!! If the counselor still refuses, it couldn't hurt to call Johns Hopkins to explain your situation and see if there's any way around the counselor rec -- maybe additional teacher recs, a letter from the principal, ??? After all, it's not that you weren't interested in Hopkins and then decided to apply late because you were messing around; you didn't think that you had the scores, but with your new scores, you feel that you have become a more competitive and realistic candidate. I don't see how direct contact would hurt in the face of the counselor refusal. There is a Hopkins admissions counselor on CC (at least there was last year) and perhaps you could go to the Hopkins CC board, explain how much you want to attend Hopkins and what your problem is, and see what he has to say.</p>

<p>Just thought of something else. Hopkins admissions reps visit California. Call Hopkins and find out when the rep assigned to your school or region is going to be nearby and go talk to the person. Maybe he or she is even visiting your school or a nearby college night soon. You school's deadline for a complete list is not realistic and a hostile, obstructionist counselor should not be able to prevent you from applying!</p>

<p>Thank you all for your replies.</p>

<p>My father talked to the principal today, and the principal said "[he] will think about it." I'm hoping for the best.
But as of right now, I'm pretty sure that even if I do get one, my counselor recommendation WILL NOT be a good. I checked the Johns Hopkins secondary evaluation form, and I have trouble understanding their Confidentiality agreement (this is only my 6th year of learning English and I have a hard time understanding legal documents...)</p>

<p>"We value your comments highly and as that you complete this form in the knowledge that it may be retained in the student's file should the applicant matriculate. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, matriculating students do have access to their permanent files which may include forms such as this one. Johns Hopkins does not provide access to admissions records to applicants, those students who are denied admission, or those students who decline an offer of admission. Again, your comments are important to use and we thank you for your cooperation. Johns Hopkins is committed to administering all educational policies and activites withou discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, antional or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, disability, veteran status, or any other leggally protected characteristic. The admission process at private undergraduate institutions is exempt from the federal regulation implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972."</p>

<p>Can someone explain this to me? And how what should I do in order to actually see the rec letter (that is, if I get one..)?</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>anyone, please...? :(</p>

<p>I hope your principal comes through for you! I'm not sure how to interpret the wording on the Hopkins form. Is there some legal type on this thread who could help here?</p>

<p>I'm concerned that you need the guidance counselor's form for all of your colleges, not just Hopkins. If she has already sent a positive one to the UC's, it is very likely that she will just copy that one for Hopkins as well. If she hasn't sent application material for you anywhere yet, then it sounds as if you think she will send something negative everywhere. Given that you are a good student and there is no reason for her to write anything negative about you (beyond her being very put out that you want her to do her job and make it possible for you to apply to Hopkins), is this fear realistic? Do you know your principal or another administrator at your school well enough to approach them about your fears and have them take a look at the letter on your behalf?</p>

<p>This will get the OP in a bigger mess. In real life, one must not **** off people that can hurt one.
I don't think others can read GC's evaluation, it is confidential. I don't think other teachers will even try. They are all colleagues. See the Principal's response. It is not very encouraging.<br>
See my post #9. It was a bad idea to go to the Principal, IMHO.
Regarding the waiver form, you will only be able to see it after your admission decision (if you get in). So what is the use?
I would have handled it this way knowing I need the GC more than she needs you:
After I was refused on a given day, I will stop by at GC's office next day when she is not busy and apologize for taking her time. Then tell her how important it is for me to apply to Hopkins. I'll literally beg for her help. Explain why I have come now (SAT results) instead of earlier. Beg for her help again. I would have gotten results.</p>