Parents worried about [politically] liberal colleges

You might consider religiously-affiliated LACs. Keep open mind, many are not heavy-handed at all and attract students who are not religious and are definitely LGBTQ-friendly. My daughter went to St. Olaf, a Lutheran affiliated LAC south of Minneapolis. Great school with strong sciences, great study abroad programs, and famously musical (so many choirs!). Most of the students in the choirs, orchestras, etc are not music majors but other majors. St Olaf offers great merit aid to student with strong academics. My daughter was a math/physic major and not religious at all (atheist).

Anyhow these types of LACs is something to keep in mind, if you decide you want a LAC experience. They might be a good option in your “portfolio” of applications if merit aid needs to be in the mix.

Here is a link to a post of mind from last year about the St Olaf “vibe” along with a link to a “vibe report” that I wrote when my D returned home after freshman year: