Parking Permit - Cars on Campus

<p>Hi again everybody! I am bringing my car to Miami and I was thinking of ordering my parking permit now. They say they have a discount one and a regular one. I was thinking of getting the regular one, what are you all doing? Also, they have the option of paying now and getting it shipped to your home address so that you have one less thing to worry about when you get on campus, should I do this? Thanks again!</p>

<p>S is not bringing a car, but I think anything you can get done before you arrive on campus will be a big plus. Which dorm will you be in?</p>

<p>I will be in Stanford's Walsh Tower. I agree, I think I am going to pick up my cane card first thing, maybe even a day or two before I move in if possible!</p>

<p>S will be in Hecht-Pentland Tower and moves in Fri AM. It looks like alot of the offices will be open beginning on the 18th-Cane cards, parking, IT account, phones. We may drop by on Thurs and get some of this stuff out of the way, although there is probably plenty of time on Fri and Sat. I guess we'll play it by ear.</p>

<p>Sounds good, I think I will try to do that too. What is the IT account? What do we need to do with the phones? I feel like I should be doing something, but I really am not doing much now. I did a little dorm shopping, but I wish I could start taking care of some more things! I guess it is just me getting excited about starting college!</p>

<p>The discount permit is for the perimeter lots only. Think far from your dorm! :) For a student in the towers parking close is at a premium (the residents share the Wellness Center lot.) I think you are making a wise decision with the regular permit. And I agree with M3S, I'd do as much as you can through easy before arrival on campus. I can't stress this enough, that you will be sooooo busy when you first arrive that any little thing you can do prior to arrival will help to reduce the stress. Don't get me wrong, UM does have things organized very well, but in able to enjoy yourself as much as possible you are on the right track!</p>

<p>The IT account is your ability for <em>Information Technology</em>. The following <a href=""&gt;;/a> is a pretty complete page of the information you will need. Be sure to check out CaneNet and Wireless Canes if you plan on using the wireless umbrella. I can't give you any info on set-up because we bought sons computer thru the U's tech center (they gave us a heck of a good deal) and along with service, warranty, etc., they came to his dorm move-in day, brought the new computer, set him up, and taught him everything he needed to know. Now don't get me wrong, he's had some problems (with Dell) but the U has stood behind everything just as they said they would, including helping him recover a bunch of lost data on a crashed hard drive....all for free since we bought thru them. If you feel you are going to need major help...I'd give them a call and set up an appointment for move-in weekend. But then may be able to just plug and play. </p>

<p>Also on the above link you will find info about long distance service. Each room has a phone line (two jacks-same line) so you and your roommate can have their own phone, but you'll share the line. Local calls are free. If you want to place long distance calls here you'll need to follow the instructions on the page. Son has never used the long distance in his a matter of fact, he says they rarely use their dorm phone unless its to call another person there in the dorm. They order pizza on-line and 99% of his phone calls are done on his cell. (No long-distance, no roaming plan). Plus from a un-biased observer to me, it seems that they all communicate with text messages. When he's here that cell phone is beeping that "text message" sound every other minute. :)</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Great info-thanks.</p>