
Hampshire parents - help me out here. If coming on campus any M-F between 8 and 4 to pick up or look in on a student, one needs a temporary permit to park in visitor parking? Student has to be with you to apply for such permit? Don’t you have to park sans permit to roust the student, walk across campus to campus police office, and obtain permit?? That’s really how it works?


Hi there - we never obtained a permit and visited 2-3 times a semester (for my son’s plays and such). You might give the parking office a call. Hampshire has tons of parking so I’d be surprised it’s an issue.

Have parking policies changed in the last couple of years? I always just drove onto campus and parked in visitors parking areas (or other spots for that matter). I never once got a parking permit or received a ticket.

Thanks - I assumed I could drive on campus and park in a visitor spot as well - going by what I read on the campus police parking policies website it seems like there is more to it than that, but perhaps it is simply not enforced! cheers

^^^ Same as ALF. We never had an issue.