Part-Time Job: Good/Bad?

<p>I'm getting my drivers license this summer, so I definitely plan on getting a job. My family has no financial issues, but I've been wanting one for a while now. I like the responsibility factor and the opportunity to money, not to mention the independence factor.</p>

<p>So, next year I'm only taking 5 classes [2 honors and 3 AP, out of 9 periods], I'm only in 4 clubs, but I think I'm pretty involved in them. </p>

<p>Will this look bad for me? This year I'm taking 8 classes. I don't want the drop in credits to look like I'm slacking off...</p>

<p>you don't want to slack off on your academics just for a job</p>

<p>I'm not slacking off... I still intend on doing well in those 5 classes. My school only has 13 AP classes, so I don't have that many to pick and choose from.</p>

<p>So I guess it would be better for me to maybe pick another AP class and some electives and not get a job?</p>

<p>No, a job is a good thing. If you are sure you can maintain good grades as well as a job, that increases your appeal to schools as an applicant. It shows you can manage your time well, and that you're responsible: two things that hint towards future success.</p>

<p>The key is to not decrease the level of academic rigor.</p>

<p>6 honors/health & pe/peer tutoring/band -> 3 AP/2 honors/college & career visions/peer tutoring</p>

<p>That's not a decrease, is it? That was my major concern...</p>

<p>You should be fine. That's not a decrease. If you notice your grades begin to suffer from lack of time or stress though, dump the job asap. Your grades are more important.</p>

<p>That's good to know, thanks!</p>

<p>One thing, though: what grade are you right now? I'm guessing sophomore since you're getting your license this summer? You may want to consider taking one or two more classes and taking the job senior year instead. Sophomore and Junior years get the most consideration from colleges and you don't want to give them anything to use against you.</p>

<p>Yep, I'm a sophomore, so I'll definitely consider that... I'm just a little hesitant about the classes my school has to offer. I might to some independent studies though...</p>

<p>Okay, just another question then: my school doesn't have an independent study program, so even if I do it, it wouldn't show up on my transcript...</p>

<p>Should I go for another AP class? My only options are Env. Science, Bio and Euro. I'm thinking of going into law/politics or business.</p>

<p>I'd be hesitant about getting job as a sophomore if you don't need to, but I'm assuming you'll be a junior while working next (academic) year, right? Sounds like a good idea, so long as you can balance it with the rest of your work.</p>

<p>edit: I didn't read the rest of the posts... alright anyway as for your AP question, if you are thinking of law/pol/business I'd take Euro. Most people I know who didn't like science hated Bio.</p>

<p>I was originally signed up for Euro, but I've heard from a bunch of people that two history classes is murder since I'm also in US.</p>

<p>Enviromental is a new class this year, taught by a mediocre teacher, so I'm also a little hesitant about that... plus I'm already signed up for Chem, and doubling up on sciences two years in a row might give colleges the wrong idea. I've heard the AP material is crazy easy, though, so I don't think it would be a problem academically.</p>

<p>So... I don't know. This scheduling stuff is confusing the hell out of me.</p>

<p>I would say a part time job looks great on your application.</p>

<p>Plus, $$$ is great too! :)</p>

<p>i chose to spend my time working instead of doing tons of extra curriculars that people only do for college apps. i'm confident that it's made me a much better student because of the time management skills i've learned and the maturity that goes along with such responsibilities. that said, i don't know how colleges see it, but i really hope they realize that working is just as meaningful a commitment as taking ballet classes or volunteering in a foreign country. i've worked 20 hours a week since i was 16 and my gpa is a 3.92</p>

<p>how do summer work experiences look?</p>

<p>They look good. They look even better if they're in a field in which you express interest in on your apps.</p>

<p>My part-time job really hurt my grades but it wasnt optional for me. I had to get one.</p>

<p>I am looking to go into medicine/dentistry and my summer job was at a hospital. I hope this helps. I am also involved in an internship at a dentists office.</p>