<p>Wow. Time went by so fast, and now I'm saying I'm a junior. Which is crazy!! But, I was wondering what my chances are here, becasue I didn't do so "hot" in high school so far. </p>
<p>Let's star with the background first!</p>
<p>~Freshmen Year: I was at a public highschool, that averaged about 3000 kids, and I was terribly unhappy. My class was around 800 something students, and I didn't do well. I probably averaged some C's and D's maybe a B or two, if I was lucky.</p>
<p>~Sophomore Year: I went back to the public highschool, and again, I did terrible. This year it was C's, D's, and unfortuneatly 1 or 2 F's. However, right after 3rd quarter, I pulled out and went to a small private Baptist school, with a total of 11 sophomores (including me). I am much happier and so far, for this last quarter I did amazing, except for biology. </p>
<p>So here's what I remember, for the most part:
French 1- 84ish/86ish%</p>
Freshmen Focus (was required)- 96%
Health and Wellness (was required)- 75ish/78ish%
French 2- 70% (ouch!)
Algebra 1- 81/82ish%
English- 87%
Global Studies 1- 77%
PE- 78%
Physical Science- 78ish%</p>
(public school) (1st-3rd quarter)
Journalism 1- 85%
Computer- 92%
Law Education- 93%
Spanish I -60%
English II- Q1: 73%, Q2: 67%, Q3: 62%
Global Studies II- Q1: 83/84%, Q2: 73ish%, Q3: 69%
Geomety- 81%
Biology I- 78%</p>
<p>-We were on block scheduling at the public school, so for Sophomore year, Computer, Spanish I and Geometry is only Quarter 3's grade, because I wasn't there for 4th quarter to have a year end average. I also had to drop Spanish I when I switched schools because I couldn't take it anymore.-</p>
<p>(private school)
English II- I really am not sure, I'm thinking mid 80's to low 90's. I needed a 78 to completly pass though.
Biology II- I think I had a 78ish%, I'm not sure if I'm going to summer school to complete the credit because I started Biology II in 4th quarter.
Geometry- 83% Again, not sure if I'm going to summer school to finish it, because we didn't take it year long at public school.
Bible- 98%
Global Studies II- Mid to high 90's
Study Hall- n/a%
Computer- high 90's</p>
<p>Junior Year:
I am planning on a 4.0 (or extreamly close to it!!) </p>
<p>Senior Year:
Again, a 4.0 (or extreamly close to it!!) year.</p>
<p>So, I am doing better there, or so I think.</p>
<p>Anyways, I live in SC so I'm looking at instate schools (which will hopefully help me out!)</p>
-USC Beaufort
-USC Columbia
-College of Charleston
-Costal Carolina
-Clemson (doubt it)
-Charleston Southern
~<em>~Out of State~</em>~
-Iowa State
-University of Virginia (Yeah I doubt it, but oh well. It's so pretty though!)
-Palm Beach Atlantic
-DePaul University
-Georgia Southern
-University of Georgia
-Mercer University
-Queens Univeristy of Charlotte
-Rhodes College</p>
<p>Extra Cirricular's:
Junior Year (this coming year):
Varsity Cheerleading (Co Captain)
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Softball</p>
<p>Senior Year (planning on all this):
Varsity Cheerleading (Co Captain)
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Softball
Student Government Officer </p>
<p>Volunteer Work:
Hospital Summer Volunteer:
Surgical Waiting Room: Summer before 11th
Women's services/Nursery or Medical/Surgery Floors: Summer before 12th</p>
<p>I'm also possibly taking college courses this coming year, because our school does not offer AP/Honors and so we can test into college courses. I am also considering starting Spanish I again over the summer at a community college. I am planning on doing volunteer work to boost my resume, and start with a PSAT/SAT tutor because I know I do terrible on standardized testing!</p>
<p>So I just want to know what you guys think, and if you have any advice or anything for me! Thank you all so much!!</p>