PART TWO. New colleges.

<p>Wow. Time went by so fast, and now I'm saying I'm a junior. Which is crazy!! But, I was wondering what my chances are here, becasue I didn't do so "hot" in high school so far. </p>

<p>Let's star with the background first!</p>

<p>~Freshmen Year: I was at a public highschool, that averaged about 3000 kids, and I was terribly unhappy. My class was around 800 something students, and I didn't do well. I probably averaged some C's and D's maybe a B or two, if I was lucky.</p>

<p>~Sophomore Year: I went back to the public highschool, and again, I did terrible. This year it was C's, D's, and unfortuneatly 1 or 2 F's. However, right after 3rd quarter, I pulled out and went to a small private Baptist school, with a total of 11 sophomores (including me). I am much happier and so far, for this last quarter I did amazing, except for biology. </p>

<p>So here's what I remember, for the most part:
French 1- 84ish/86ish%</p>

Freshmen Focus (was required)- 96%
Health and Wellness (was required)- 75ish/78ish%
French 2- 70% (ouch!)
Algebra 1- 81/82ish%
English- 87%
Global Studies 1- 77%
PE- 78%
Physical Science- 78ish%</p>

(public school) (1st-3rd quarter)
Journalism 1- 85%
Computer- 92%
Law Education- 93%
Spanish I -60%
English II- Q1: 73%, Q2: 67%, Q3: 62%
Global Studies II- Q1: 83/84%, Q2: 73ish%, Q3: 69%
Geomety- 81%
Biology I- 78%</p>

<p>-We were on block scheduling at the public school, so for Sophomore year, Computer, Spanish I and Geometry is only Quarter 3's grade, because I wasn't there for 4th quarter to have a year end average. I also had to drop Spanish I when I switched schools because I couldn't take it anymore.-</p>

<p>(private school)
English II- I really am not sure, I'm thinking mid 80's to low 90's. I needed a 78 to completly pass though.
Biology II- I think I had a 78ish%, I'm not sure if I'm going to summer school to complete the credit because I started Biology II in 4th quarter.
Geometry- 83% Again, not sure if I'm going to summer school to finish it, because we didn't take it year long at public school.
Bible- 98%
Global Studies II- Mid to high 90's
Study Hall- n/a%
Computer- high 90's</p>

<p>Junior Year:
I am planning on a 4.0 (or extreamly close to it!!) </p>

<p>Senior Year:
Again, a 4.0 (or extreamly close to it!!) year.</p>

<p>So, I am doing better there, or so I think.</p>

<p>Anyways, I live in SC so I'm looking at instate schools (which will hopefully help me out!)</p>

-USC Beaufort
-USC Columbia
-College of Charleston
-Costal Carolina
-Clemson (doubt it)
-Charleston Southern
~<em>~Out of State~</em>~
-Iowa State
-University of Virginia (Yeah I doubt it, but oh well. It's so pretty though!)
-Palm Beach Atlantic
-DePaul University
-Georgia Southern
-University of Georgia
-Mercer University
-Queens Univeristy of Charlotte
-Rhodes College</p>

<p>Extra Cirricular's:
Junior Year (this coming year):
Varsity Cheerleading (Co Captain)
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Softball</p>

<p>Senior Year (planning on all this):
Varsity Cheerleading (Co Captain)
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Softball
Student Government Officer </p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Hospital Summer Volunteer:
Surgical Waiting Room: Summer before 11th
Women's services/Nursery or Medical/Surgery Floors: Summer before 12th</p>

<p>I'm also possibly taking college courses this coming year, because our school does not offer AP/Honors and so we can test into college courses. I am also considering starting Spanish I again over the summer at a community college. I am planning on doing volunteer work to boost my resume, and start with a PSAT/SAT tutor because I know I do terrible on standardized testing!</p>

<p>So I just want to know what you guys think, and if you have any advice or anything for me! Thank you all so much!!</p>

<p>Junior Year (this coming year):
Varsity Cheerleading (Co Captain)
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Basketball
Varsity Softball</p>

<p>Jezzzzzzzz.... how the heck can you keep up with all of that?? =p</p>

<p>Eh, not too easily, but I'll do lol!</p>

<p>Does anyone else want to help me out here?!</p>

<p>Check the other thread for my answers to your old schools. </p>

<p>Now, the new ones.</p>

<p>-Charleston Southern - eh, match, I'll say
-Iowa State - As a female, you have a better chance than a male. Slight reach. By the way, it's very inconsistent from all of your other schools.
-University of Virginia - You're right, it is pretty. It's my favorite of all college campuses. However, it's a huge reach for you.
-Palm Beach Atlantic - If you get into Charleston Southern, you'll get in here
-DePaul University - slight reach
-Georgia Southern - match
-University of Georgia - reach
-Mercer University - reach
-Queens Univeristy of Charlotte - match-slight reach
-Rhodes College - The one in Memphis? Reach. Now if it's the Rhodes in Arizona or California (that I'd never heard of before looking up the name Rhodes on Princeton Review), then I don't know.</p>

<p>Do you happen to be a minority? That will help you out at some of these schools.</p>

<p>bump bump minority!</p>

<p>PBA has like an 80% acceptance rate, and it's beautiful in West Palm...just gorgeous. haha I live there lol. But no PBA is right near downtown, really close to the water, and the weather is perfect. I think you'll be fine there.</p>

<p>University of Virginia (Yeah I doubt it, but oh well. It's so pretty though!)
-University of Georgia
-Rhodes College</p>

<p>No chance.</p>

<p>PBA... thats like... <em>over there</em>... lol, anyone with a heartbeat can get in there... plus its in florida!!! der!!</p>

<p>dreams of yale-
i don't usually do chances posts but I had to reply and say that you should be very proud of yourself for coming to be in the mental state your in. Though you might not necessarily get those 4.0 I'm happy you have seen that you can find good match schools for you academic profile, and personal growth. It shows a lot of maturity. best of luck</p>