Party Scene At MIT?

<p>How is it? I'm applying here RD.
I heard MIT has a strong Greek scene but do their Greeks actually party hard?</p>

<p>Rumor has it that we have the wildest parties in the Boston area. Personally, I’ve never been to a frat party, but East Campus and Senior Haus ones are pretty fun, if you have friends there.</p>

<p>Wow I haven’t been on here in a while. I’m in a frat and the party scene is definitely awesome there. There are i think 26 frats, some in Cambridge, most in Boston. Each frat, like each dorm, has its own personality and it ranges from nerd to jock. I’d say most of the partying revolves around drinking, but there are awesome risk management policies and MIT trusts the interfraternity council’s guidlines, so we are safe and have lots of freedom.</p>

<p>At other schools, partying involves going to some sketchy basement of a dilapidated house and you have to pay at the door to get in. Usually it’s tough for guys to get in and usually get broken up by the police quickly. MIT frats are different: we aren’t allowed to charge, usually have pretty sweet accommodations, and have a great relationship with MIT police. Also, the Saferides run til 4am on party nights all throughout Boston to make sure you get back home safely after a fun night.</p>

<p>Being in a Boston-area frat really gave me the opportunity to meet lots of people outside of MIT too. Most of the frats are situated in or near the BU campus, and people from there are always around our house (even in non-party times). We also get a large population of friends from Wellesley and to a lesser extent, Northeastern, Simmons, and Boston College. I’ve definitely had my share of <em>crazy</em> frat party experiences and classier formals, semiformals, etc. Most fraternities have beautiful brownstone houses, which are usually reserved for really rich people in Boston to live in!</p>

<p>I definitely would recommend checking out rush and the fraternity scene. We do a lot more than just party and it’s really cool to be a part of :)</p>

<p>frats aren’t the only place where there are parties (though these are probably where most parties are). there are also cool parties like EC’s reawakening, etc.</p>

<p>Do we party hard? Dude, MIT -invented- partying hard =P</p>

<p>In all seriousness, though: MIT frats are well-known for some crazy parties. There are the fairly sane to the outrageous, so you have a wide variety from which to choose. I don’t live on East Campus so I can’t speak for the EC/Senior House parties (although EC goes all-out during orientation). On the West side, “parties” are a little tamer and usually just involve a bunch of friends piling into a tiny dorm room, turning off the lights, grabbing a disco ball, and reenacting line dances and destressing. Or blasting music in the lounges and singing at the top of your lungs. Many of the dorms also throw various events during the year - not exactly real parties, but who said you couldn’t turn them into parties? ;D</p>

<p>Yea my alumni interviewer who is around 40 admitted she was a party animal. MIT sounds so cooolll…</p>

<p>MIT sounds really cool.
I already sent in the application, :D</p>

<p>Reawakening isn’t exactly a typical EC party though…just throwing that out there.</p>

<p>It is way, way better. <em>biased</em></p>