Pasadena City College

<p>Does PCC allow students to audit classes? If not, does anyone know any LA area cc's that allow students to audit?</p>

<p>Sorry but what do you mean by Audit classes?</p>

<p>Take classes for no grade or credit. It’s like you attend the class and participate, but you don’t really receive anything from taking the class other than personal enrichment.</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer to the question, but that is something I have always thought about it. Perhaps you can just ask an instructor if you can join the class without a grade or credit, assuming there’s room?</p>

<p>i don’t think they’d do that, sometimes there’s community colleges that offer like “community classes” and its meant for people of all ages, and you pay for the class, and has fewer sessions than a regular class and isn’t as intense.</p>

<p>why not just take teh class for credit, or do pass/fail grades?</p>

<p>I will still be paying for the class, even if I take it for audit. I can’t take those classes for credit or pass/fail, because one of the universities that I am applying to require me to take no more than 89 units to be considered for admission. I have completed a lot of units already, but I still really want to take those “fun” classes.</p>