pass 480 verbal

nov SAT is less than 2 weeks away. i've practiced about 1 month and before that i read many ~ many ~ books. i still couldn't pass 480 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.(i got 480 V on JAN/04). it's driving me crazy. is it just immpossible for me to get 540 ??!!????? :( :( :(</p>

<p>study more!
memorize vocab. go to my post about will help a lot</p>

<p>Leave some blank!</p>

<p>I did not, and got a 580 on it. My friend left a dozen blank and got a 660.</p>

<p>I urge anyone to not attempt an 800 verbal unless they have received close to one on a practice test. :D</p>

<p>ok. so study more. but 2 weeks!! :( ~~ i found myself too slow on the V section. i skip a lot of questions. neelesh: where is ur post about vocab? can u post a link here? thanx.</p>

<p>when should you skip or not skip? I also have a question Im a junior this year, should i take the New Sat in march or take the new sat in october?</p>

<p>Two weeks is plenty!!!! let's c, you can study let's say you get home at 4:00pm, sleep for 1h, wake up, eat, go out for a walk, that's only 6pm. Start your homework, b done by 7ish, start studying till 1-2 am, since you already had an hour of sleep. Let's say you get 45words/h, do volcabulary for 4h, you'll have 180words/day and tehn you have 2-3h left for practice and reading. Plenty of time :O</p>

<p>memorize vocab and do practices - u'll definitely improve</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>since tehre are 2 weeks left, just do the 100 most common SAT words. that will help you out a lot</p>