pass AP exam but fail the class? Any effect on admissions?

<p>Curious about AP exams and grades. Is it heard of for someone to pass the AP exam but not do well in the course?</p>

<p>Does the college only count the grade, but not the AP exam score?</p>

<p>Can someone take an AP test without ever having taken the class?</p>


<p>Yeah I got a ‘B’ in my APES class first semester, currently have a ‘F’. I expect to pass the exam, I just didn’t do any labs lol</p>

<p>You can take the AP test without taking the class. Its called self-studying, im doing 2 this year and I did one last year.</p>

<p>AP exams dont play much of a role in admissions; they count for units (or they replace classes) once you’re in. They wont be a good excuse for a F or a D grade. Talk to your teacher about bumping up your grade if you get a good score on the ap test though. Some do that.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s my plan, except scores don’t come in until after grades get submitted.</p>

<p>I’m not exactly sure what my teachers’ policy on a failing grade would be, but most of them change your course grade to an A if you get a 5 on the exam. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter what you had in the class (it definitely works for C’s and D’s). </p>

<p>Some also give A’s for a 4. So, I’ve got a good chance of getting back my 4.0, which was lowered to a 3.981 by three consecutive terms of A- in Calc.</p>

<p>Jaxon, they can usually still change it.
Besjbo, really? Even though i got 5’s on all my AP exams, my teachers were only willing to change one semester, and only one letter grade up. Those 89’s still killed me. I go to a tough school, so sucks for me i guess.</p>