Paty Dorm

My son will be moving into Paty Hall in 5 weeks and I am wondering what to expect since I’ve heard it’s one of the oldest dorms. It wasn’t his first choice (he wanted suite style), but unfortunately we made his dorm deposit after the priority deadline. Does anyone have any input (good or bad)? We put in a dorm change request, but at this point it looks like he is going to have to plan on moving in.

Hi! My son lived in Paty last year and will also be there this year. Yes, it is an older building but honestly he didn’t have any issues. The location is very convenient. The bathrooms are ‘community’ bathrooms which mean they are cleaned by the staff daily - a positive in my son’s eyes. LOL. I would recommend some type of air purifier since the building does have an “old” smell to it. Will your son be on the honors floor? Are you a member of the UA Parent’s FB page? If so, you can also request to join the parents Paty group and I’ve posted pictures and info on there. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Roll Tide!

1)Location is very good because it’s close to the dining hall and closer to engineering buildings.
2) No need to worry about toilet papers since you can just use them in common restroom
3) VERY VERY FRIENDLY RAs. I personally know many of them and they are very kind.
4) Not many stairsteps between floors.

1)windows are VERY hard to open. Some don’t even open. Maybe they are meant to be kept closed?
2) Bad stench on 4th/5th floor. I recommend air purifier as navyfamily mentioned.
3) Urinals sometimes malfunction
4) no kitchen. You have to eat outside or cook microwave food.
5) There are some crazy people who steal tables and chairs from common room. What’s up with those lunatics?

It has a reputation as being run-down and decrepit. The location is decent, but that’s about all it has going for it.

Thanks for everyone’s input! I’m hoping he will just make the most of it since it looks like he may be stuck their. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he gets his dorm change request granted.

Roll Tide!