Paul Merage School: Rank and location questions

<p>Some questions about the business school.</p>

<p>1] How long will it take for this school to receive a ranking?</p>

<p>2] When it does receive a ranking, where do you guys think the Merage school will be roughly located amongst?</p>

<p>3] I'm thinking about applying to USD, UCI, CSU Pomona, CSU Long Beach, and CPSLO. Because the Paul Merage School recently opened its doors, it's still fresh. So how does that reflect a recruiters decision and if i were to get accepted from the aforementioned colleges, would any of them outweigh UCI in terms of their business program? I think personally USD would but I'm not sure about those CSU's.</p>

<p>I'm trying to find a site or book that ranks CSU's business programs. So far, i think LB,PM,and CPSLO have the best location for myself along with a great business program.</p>

<p>Note: i've posted this in the UCI forum but i think i would get better answers here.</p>

<p>is it credited by the AACSB?</p>


Although its undergraduate is brand new, If I remember correctly, Paul Merage has been offering accounting & management minor before the opening of the under program. It’s worth to check out the career center to see how the job placement of those minors by comparing with other school’s business program. The recruitment of those minors from previous years should definately continue into the under business majors.</p>


UCI’s business progrem is AACSB accredited. However, AACSB grants accreditation for undergraduate and graduate programs, and Paul Merage also has MBA program, so not sure its accreditation is more associated with the MBA or the two business minors.</p>