<p>Some questions about the business school.</p>
<p>1] How long will it take for this school to receive a ranking?</p>
<p>2] When it does receive a ranking, where do you guys think the Merage school will be roughly located amongst?</p>
<p>3] I'm thinking about applying to USD, UCI, CSU Pomona, CSU Long Beach, and CPSLO. Because the Paul Merage School recently opened its doors, it's still fresh. So how does that reflect a recruiters decision and if i were to get accepted from the aforementioned colleges, would any of them outweigh UCI in terms of their business program? I think personally USD would but I'm not sure about those CSU's.</p>
<p>I'm trying to find a site or book that ranks CSU's business programs. So far, i think LB,PM,and CPSLO have the best location for myself along with a great business program.</p>
<p>Note: i've posted this in the UCI forum but i think i would get better answers here.</p>