pay for SRP 199'S?

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>This might sound stupid, but do you have to pay for a research course like Biology 199? Units are expensive in the summer so I'm wondering if I should hold off until Fall or go ahead with it?</p>

<p>Does financial aid cover this class?</p>


<p>hold off. You have to pay for these. </p>

<p>I know some ppl that get financial aid get everything covered up to like 8 or 10 units, i cant remember which. But if you are already taking that many units, might as well not spend extra for 199. You should calll FA officen and find out what the cap is, and if you exceed it. I did not want to exceed the cap, so i still did research in my lab, but just got credit in the fall when i continued researching.</p>

<p>I personally went to them and I am taking SRP for undergrad, probably the 99? And they told me I only have to pay for the campus fee, but then again Im paying for classes, but they said since Im already paying the campus fee, it’s free.</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>and another question, if I do do srp 199 in the summer, do I have to do the contract separately for session a and c? so that would give me at least 8 units (4 and 4) for financial aid consideration?</p>

<p>They only allow you to sign up with one session, well that’s what they told me for SRP 99. So pick whichever and just enjoy the experience. Or for more information call them.</p>

<p>there should be an option to take 199 contract for the whole 12 weeks. that’s what i did for mine.</p>