paying for off campus housing?

<p>hey guys.
This is my first year at CAL. I am currently living in the dorms right year but am planning to move to an apartment the next. I already have a place in mind for around $730. but am hesitant on the procedure that most students (like me who are virtually dependent on financial aid) use to pay for their apartments . Since my parents are currently unemployed, they will be unable to help with the rent, thus my EFC is 0. My question is, how will i get the financial aid money to pay the rent of my apartment? will this happen through a refund on CARS? And if so, will it happen before the first of every month, the date that my rent is due?
i know these are a lot of question but i am just completely lost right now. thanks</p>

<p>The chunk of money that is currently listed as going to housing in CARS</p>

<p>1) gets decreased by a certain amount
2) gets refunded to your bank account via EFT</p>

<p>at the beginning or the semester.</p>


<p>1) write checks</p>

<p>each month.</p>

<p>Get a part-time job just in case.</p>