<p>so many options!</p>
<p>what if we really do love sports, though? </p>
<p>i haven’t seen Columbia’s campus, but i don’t believe they have very many open sports fields due to the urban location.</p>
<p>and how accessible are basketball courts and weight rooms on campus? these things will be a necessity for me to feel at home at Columbia.</p>
<p>it’s all in the gym man, which is bang in the middle of campus. it’s a no-brainer, it’s like asking: is there a dining hall? without a common place to eat, I won’t feel at home. and you can do whatever you want: swim, bball, yoga and karate classes, weights, run, squash etc. People are always playing bball on the courts.</p>
<p>blu…i played sports at columbia in intramurals, through PE, just for kicks against SIPA grad students who slide tackle indoors (bastards), you have an outlet. I think Denzera said this once - most columbians like to play sports more than watch them, so you always see someone doing something. Visit and check it out for yourself. And there are tons of fields nearby in Riverside Park, up at Riverside Embankment Park there are things like the Ice Rink our club hockey team use. you may be in an urban location, but you have all the grass/fields you need to get into whatever competitive mischief you desire. i promise you that much at least.</p>
i just think this comment isn’t getting enough attention, for the amount of hilarity involved.</p>
<p>I wish jorsh333 all the best in future rewarding careers in Bouncing at bars, video game playing, and being on [reality</a> shows](<a href=“All Shows Page: All: Popular”>All Shows Page: All: Popular).</p>
<p>the premise of the biggest loser is losing weight…so i don’t really see that in the cards for our 320 lb friend</p>
<p>…biggest loser is a great show btw</p>
<p>…at least jorsh333 will be getting plenty of exercise going up and down the steps!</p>
<p>Jorsh: you could do horseriding. They may not let you on the horse.</p>
<p>Here’s another PE option: [YouTube</a> - WS2007 Match of the Century](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxZm8VaBPIc]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxZm8VaBPIc)</p>
<p>PS Scott Snyder and Tristan teach in the chem department.</p>
<p>hahahahaha that was a great video. not explicitly funny but I still lol’d</p>
<p>nobody answered my question, it just went into randomness lol.</p>
<p>^You could probably look at the course offerings for next semester to get an idea. They probably have them.</p>
<p>Do they have tennis at Columbia?</p>
<p>What about dance classes? Specifically Latin dance? I’m uncoordinated city but have always wanted to learn tango and the like…</p>
<p>Is ballroom dancing an option?</p>
<p>Any idea on what the hiking/scuba/rowing is like??</p>
<p>I’m a ■■■■■■ in PE, but wanna try some fun stuff</p>
<p>^PE at columbia is one of most chill, fun, low-intensity and rewarding things you can do. Half of the kids just show up and do whatever they want a quarter take it seriously and a quarter will adopt a sport or cardio/weight training routine based on p.e. - I actually got back into a sport in full swing after taking the p.e. class in it.</p>
<p>I took the “advanced” tennis class, which was offered on Fridays at Baker Field. I wasn’t close to good enough to make the Columbia team, but everyone in that class sucked and I could probably have beat them left handed. It’s a pain in the butt to get to Baker Field, but it’s kind of fun to play on the clay courts up there.</p>
<p>For everyone asking “is x pe offered?” Check the columbia college bulletin.</p>
<p>This probably seems like a silly question, but can you take more than one semester of PE (not saying I would), but theoretically, it sounds like anyone can take PE (as long as there’s room).</p>
<p>…you require 2 to graduate regardless of the school you’re in…</p>
<p>I took 3 tho since that’s probably the question you are asking. You get like 1/2 credit for 2 additional classes (so up to 4 classes count for credit) but you can enroll in more beyond that if you want.</p>