Peddie, Lawrencville or Newark Academy

<p>Hey, so I surprisingly received letters of admission to all three of the above schools which puts me in a very satisfied situation. However, Im still undecided on which is the best. I know NA is only day, that sort of irrelevant. I need your help please give a rating 1-10 on the following categories for me if you want, or just write a note.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: (1-10)
Academics: (1-10)
Prestige: (1-10)
Acceptance Rate: (1-10 or actual statistics)
Student Moral: (1-10)
Overall: (1-10)</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>


<p>Extracurriculars: 9.5
Academics: 10
Prestige: (academic) 10, (sports)9
Acceptance rate: too lazy to look up :stuck_out_tongue:
student Moral: 9
Overall: 9</p>


<p>Extracurriculars: 10
Academics: 8
Prestige: (academic) 8.5, (extracurricular) 9.5
Acceptance rate: same as above lol
student moral: 9
Overall: 8.5</p>

<p>Note that this is MY PERSPECTIVE!!! not any facts put into this, just putting down my thoughts for as to what comes up in my head when I think of these schools so please, fellow CCers, don’t try and bash on me.</p>