Pediatric Nurse

I am starting a community college in fall 2016 and plan to major in pediatric nursing. I want a career where I can help children feel better. I was wondering if anyone is going for pediatric nursing, what to expect in nursing school/program and just some general basics. Thanks!

My understanding is that most nursing programs do not have specialties. Everyone does some coursework and clinical work in Peds, among other subjects. You could use some of your electives to support an interest in Peds, such as taking a child psychology class. However, keep an open mind - many nursing students start wanting to work in Peds, and then find other areas that fit them better.

I understand being a pediatric nurse can be emotionally draining.

The drainage comes from the parents! Pediatric nurses love what they do but have a tough time dealing with bad parents.

When my son was born, my wife and I spent a few days with him in the newborn intensive care unit. It was amazing how few parents spent any time there.

This is an awesome career and I’m thinking Peds or NICU
I’ll be at UCLA school of nursing this fall if you have any questions!