pediatric/oncology nursing

<p>My daughter would like to work as a nurse in a pediatric/oncology unit. Can you get a job in that area with a BSN or do you need an advanced degree?</p>

<p>With a BSN your D would probably be able to find a job on a pediatric oncology unit providing general nursing services. However most pediatric units (especially specialized ones like oncology) want ot hire BSNs with at least some past pediatric experience. Therefore , following graduation with her BSN, your D will probably need to first look for a position on a general pediatric unit to gain some Peds experience. This in itself might be difficult to find right out of nursing school. I would suggest that wherever your D goes to Nursing School that, while there, she should establish contacts with pediatric units associated with her training program. This could increase her chances of finding a position post graduation. If your D has an interest in providing more advanced nursing clinical practices in the area of Pediatric Oncology she will need to return to college to complete a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program (MSN Level-if still available in the future, or a Doctoral Level Program). Hope this info is helpful. Best of luck to her.</p>