Pell grant 10 years later

I’ve just finished paying off my student loans and I found out that my pell grant was never fully disbursed. I graduated in 2006. Is there anything I can do to relieve the rest of my grant money? The amount is less than what I just spent to pay my loans off.

I don’t understand what you mean. A Pell Grant doesn’t get paid back. It would have been sent directly to the college.

Too late!

I don’t completely understand . . . are you saying that your college received your Pell grant, but never applied it, and also never refunded it to you?

I assume you are looking at your aid in If it says less than 100% for a year, that means you most likely were at less than 12 credits in one or more of the semesters in that year — therefore, you did not receive 100% of your Pell payment for that year. Not uncommon, and you don’t get the remainder if you didn’t earn it in that year.

Even if there was a mistake on the part of the school, it is too late now; that year is closed out. I am betting there is no mistake, though … there are a number of things that can impact whether or not you receive the full Pell payment in a year - credits are just the most common, which is why I mentioned them.