<p>Um... Is anybody else addicted to this? Haha, I really can't stop, its subconscious now...</p>
<p>For those of you who are confused as to what I'm talking about...</p>
<p>Um... Is anybody else addicted to this? Haha, I really can't stop, its subconscious now...</p>
<p>For those of you who are confused as to what I'm talking about...</p>
<p>i wish i could do that.... but no.</p>
<p>I wish I could do that too. Then I could enter a competition and it would be an awesome EC!! :p</p>
<p>Hmm... You should really start, its so cool when you get it down. Start with the thumb-around, its probably the easiest.</p>
<p>haha, I can't even do that</p>
<p>lol don't feel bad, I can't either.</p>
<p>haha its the new fad for geeks.. i mean.. smart people.</p>
<p>i can still only do forward and reverse charge. some people are crazy</p>
<p>Yes some people are crazy... like that video suggests.</p>
<p>I can only do Thumb around, Backaround, "Sonic", Fingerpass, and Thumbless around. I need to learn combos...</p>
<p>That would be pro...</p>
<p>LOL, i recently got really into pen tricks (beginning of junior year). I got the thumb around, backaround, sonic, and rising sonic. It helps math pass much faster.</p>
<p>yes! i just did that first trick.. oh yeah</p>
<p>w00t keep it up and we may have a new addition to the X-games</p>
<p>oh HECK YES. i spend all day doing this. seriously. near the end of the school day, there's a muscle in my palm near my thumb that gets tired from all of the pen flipping i do when i'm sitting around in class. i also go through about ten times as much mechanical pencil lead as normal people do, because when i drop my pencil it usually breaks the lead...i'm proud and ashamed at the same time...</p>
<p>people who are naturally gifted in the art of pen/pencil tricks: debaters and asians.</p>
<p>.. i can't do them.. they're so tricky. But they are SO annoying when someone does it for the WHOLE period!! Just as bad as pen clicking</p>
<p>WOW, that is amazing</p>
<p>dude, i keep trying the thumb-around and my pen keeps flying across the room. this is depressing.</p>
<p>Yeah that's true jimmyeatworld. There is only 1 Asian at our school (well 2, but I really only know this kid) and he does those pen tricks all day long when he's bored in class. He just puts his head down and his hand is up doing the pen tricks. Crazy.</p>