Pending weather issues

The severe weather is consistently the #1 thing that makes me nervous about my kid down there in the red zone on the map.
Those of you who are local, calm me down, please. @-)
Many UA things have already been cancelled for tonight.

The weather isn’t bad here for now. We are currently in the orange zone for enhanced risk of severe weather from after six until one in the morning. Follow James Spann live for the best weather updates. Shelter is available to students and staff who live off campus.

Link to James Spann weather

Yup, I’m following nwsbirmingham on twitter and it’s all kinda scaring me.

Just light rain here for now, Aeromom. I totally get it. I’ll try to keep you updated.

Here is Jsmes Spann’s Twitter.

No severe weather here. Just a soaking rain with no wind or lightning at all.

FYI to those from OOS, the counties in Alabams are quite large, so if a warning is issued for Tuscaloosa County, it may not be anywhere near the city of Tuscaloosa or campus.