Penn 2014?

<p>Hey everyone! I am applying to penn e.d this fall. I have already posted a chance thread about a year ago but a lot of my stats have changed since that time. </p>

<p>Anyway, my mom and three out of my four grandparents went to penn. (so did a couple of my uncles but I am pretty sure they do not count as legacies) </p>

<p>SAT: CR-730 M-750 W-710
Bio M- 750 US History- 720
GPA- 4.9 w Class Rank (~29/590) High school sends about 5 people to ivys each year</p>

<p>9th grade (all honors except mandatory elective):
World Civ: A
Earth Science: A
French I: A
English I: A
Algebra I: B+
Web pg Design/ Multimedia: A </p>

<p>10th Grade (again, all honors (including an "advanced honors course") except elective)
Advanced Honors US history I: A
Geometry: A
Biology: A
French II: A
English II: A
Art I- A+</p>

<p>11th Grade:
Chemistry: A
Physics: A
Advanced Honors English: A
French III: A+
Alg 2/ Trig: A
Pre-Calculus: A
AP US History: A (4 on exam)</p>

<p>12th Grade:
AP Calculus
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Literature
AP US Gov </p>

<p>(as you can see, it is difficult to take APs as an underclassman because one must take the honors level course before one can take the AP level course)</p>

<p>-Four years of varsity cross country and spring track.
-2 years of ice hockey
-Secretary of National Honor Society
-President of Medical Club
-Environmental Club
-Model UN (co-founder in school chapter)
-Active contributer to school newspaper
-Ambassador of national society of high school scholars
-French Club
-Earned Scholarship to travel to Europe and Israel for four weeks (summer '09).
-Tutor in the writing center after school
-Debate Club
-T.E.A.M (community service youth group)
-Student Council
-3 Academic Letters
-Active volunteer in local library
-Captain's Crew (volunteer group that helps with school events)
-10-day National young leaders conference in D.C (summer '08).
-3 year work experience at ice skating rink</p>

<p>My teachers are writing my recs this summer; I am expecting them to be good. I also just finished my common app essay and I believe it came out very well. Also, I am family friends with Avram Hershko. He's a Nobel prize winning chemist who I've spent some time in the lab with. He's going to write me a reccomendation; I believe this might help since I emphasize my passion for science (specifically evolutionary biology) in my app.</p>

<p>I know my ec’s look kinda all over the place, but i think i did a good job emphasizing my passion for evolutionary biology in my application… Also, for other applicants, the penn supplement is now available on the common app.</p>

<p>Your chances are very promising! I always caution people against ‘famous recs’ unless their writer really is in a position to speak well on their behalf, so make sure this chemist will go to bat for you. (Just make sure to keep your grades where they are also.) Good luck!</p>