<p>Hey everyone! I am applying to penn e.d this fall. I have already posted a chance thread about a year ago but a lot of my stats have changed since that time. </p>
<p>Anyway, my mom and three out of my four grandparents went to penn. (so did a couple of my uncles but I am pretty sure they do not count as legacies) </p>
<p>SAT: CR-730 M-750 W-710
Bio M- 750 US History- 720
GPA- 4.9 w Class Rank (~29/590) High school sends about 5 people to ivys each year</p>
<p>9th grade (all honors except mandatory elective):
World Civ: A
Earth Science: A
French I: A
English I: A
Algebra I: B+
Web pg Design/ Multimedia: A </p>
<p>10th Grade (again, all honors (including an "advanced honors course") except elective)
Advanced Honors US history I: A
Geometry: A
Biology: A
French II: A
English II: A
Art I- A+</p>
<p>11th Grade:
Chemistry: A
Physics: A
Advanced Honors English: A
French III: A+
Alg 2/ Trig: A
Pre-Calculus: A
AP US History: A (4 on exam)</p>
<p>12th Grade:
AP Calculus
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Literature
AP US Gov </p>
<p>(as you can see, it is difficult to take APs as an underclassman because one must take the honors level course before one can take the AP level course)</p>
<p>-Four years of varsity cross country and spring track.
-2 years of ice hockey
-Secretary of National Honor Society
-President of Medical Club
-Environmental Club
-Model UN (co-founder in school chapter)
-Active contributer to school newspaper
-Ambassador of national society of high school scholars
-French Club
-Earned Scholarship to travel to Europe and Israel for four weeks (summer '09).
-Tutor in the writing center after school
-Debate Club
-T.E.A.M (community service youth group)
-Student Council
-3 Academic Letters
-Active volunteer in local library
-Captain's Crew (volunteer group that helps with school events)
-10-day National young leaders conference in D.C (summer '08).</p>
<p>My teachers are writing my recs this summer; I am expecting them to be good. I also just finished my common app essay and I believe it came out very well. Also, I am family friends with Avram Hershko. He's a Nobel prize winning chemist who I've spent some time in the lab with. He's going to write me a reccomendation; I believe this might help since I emphasize my passion for science (specifically evolutionary biology) in my app.</p>