PENN is amazing

<p>The University of Pennsylvania, in addition to being ranked fourth nationally and a member of the Ivy League, provides the perfect mix of a vibrant social scene and an engaging intelluctual atmosphere. It has a unique mix of liberal arts and preproffessional studies, as well as innumerable distinguished alumni and faculty. As the first college to be founded upon religious toleration, Penn has always been an accepting place. All four of its undergraudate programs are strong in their own right, Wharton is the world leader in finance and the College at Penn has the most repsected Economics, French, and Anthropology departments in the country. The Nursing School is known to be first-rate and the engineering school is envied for its success in career placement. Penn has school spirit and attracts all varieties of people- athletes, artists, intellecuals, and politicians alike. Ritchieboy, there is really nothing you can say to this, if you wish to go the Penn State or the University of Ohio, which are both great schools, go. There is no one else on this board who is knocking your schools of choice.</p>

<p>yay!! a pennlove post!!
soooooo excited to spend presidents day weekend on campus.......</p>

<p>...Does Penn really have the most respected French department in the country?</p>

<p>Yay for Penn Love <3</p>

<p>president's at penn is gonna dominate</p>

<p>SAMTROB- where did you get the info about those departments?</p>

<p>Well i mean it is hard to judge which exactly is the best department in the country; usually people base this data on the professors, graduate school acceptance, and other intangibles (like for example, how Penn's anthropology department is known worldwide or the biology program at Stanford...). I have seen in college guide books that Penn is ranked high/highest in those areas although each is arguable. The point is that Penn is a strong college with excellent program. You asked about French, and i think it is the Huntsman program, which has a foreign language component, that makes Penn's French and all foreign languages strong. Middlebury is also known to be strong in foreing languages. Hope this helps....</p>