Penn Short Answer

<p>I have a question regarding Penn's Short Answer question for this year:</p>

<p>You upload your response to the Common App, so should I give it a title? I obviously gave my essay one, but I didn't think that the short answer question would need one. I wanted to see what everyone else is doing and/or recommends.</p>

<p>Also, I hate to say it, but I was rather straightforward with my response. It wasn't very creative, but honestly, that's just me! I have a "creative team" (group of friends) just to help me with my lacking creativity skills sometimes. I'm a straight-up serious person and I wonder of that is a "negative" for my application. I'm not going to try and be creative or charming or funny when I'm just not.</p>

<p>Any advice appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>I didn’t give any of my essays titles for my Penn app.</p>

<p>I didn’t give any of my essays titles. Besides, in the corner of the Common App, it says what prompt the respective essays are for. </p>

<p>I suggest that if you are straight-forward, then continue to be straight-forward in your essays. I feel like when you are writing your essays you should write in the way that best suits you. Personally, I wasn’t creative at all with my essays. I think as long as you’re sincere in what you are writing and that you value Penn, you should be good. </p>

<p>Good luck and hope to see you at Penn next year!</p>