Sat-1290(math-670/reading-620)taking again in October
Gpa- 3.85 weighted
Ap psych and l am taking ap physics 1 and 2, ap Econ, stats, and calc.
What are my chances for the college of engineering there? I may just go in undecided, but not sure yet. Also if you could recommend any other colleges of engineering that I could get into.
How many years of foreign language have you had?
If you add up all the honors and AP classes between freshman and senior year, what number do you get?
Have you taken all three of chemistry, physics and biology?
What’s your unweighted GPA?
3 years of high school Spanish
11 honors and ap
Yes all three
Unweighted 3.65
They prefer a number of 16+ and foreign language up to level 4 so you lose some there, but having all three sciences plus calculus will help for engineering. Your admission to engineering is a match, fifty -fifty.
Retest in October and apply by the end of October. Check the box to say that you’re willing to do summer session.
Awesome thanks for the info!! @MYOS1634