So the eight 400-word-max essays on the newly opened Common App are different than the two 800-word max “2022 Essay Questions” and eight “2022 Short Answer Questions” on the Schreyer First Year Admissions page.
Any ideas?
Are the CA essays, first one starting with "Tell us about your high school record—not what’s in it, since we have it already, but why you took some of the courses you took, and what your experience was, " left over from last year?
Not sure I entirely understand your question, but the Schreyer essays are for the Honors College application; those and their short answer prompts will be in addition to the CA essay your DC chooses. Is your DC planning on applying to Schreyer HC, or just PSU in general?
This is to apply to Schreyer Honor College.
On the Schreyer admissions web site, linked above, it says
For 2022 the Schreyer Honors College first-year application will have two essay questions, in addition to several shorter prompts. These questions change on a yearly basis and are meant to elicit well-written, comprehensive responses.
It then lists two essay prompts and eight Short Answer Questions, as it said was required.
The Common App has a section labelled Schreyer Honors College, and says
To apply, you must complete two essay and eight short-answer questions, and submit two recommendations.
But below it are only eight questions, with space to input responses. These eight questions are not “two essays and eight short-answer questions”, and they are completely different questions than the two essays/eight questions listed on the Schreyer web site.
EDIT: Looking closer, the eight Common App questions are the same as the eight short answer question, just in a different order, but the Essay prompts are still nowhere to be found
I don’t think all sections and content of the CA are updated yet, even though it opened up today. For example, the requirements grid is from 2019-20.
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Agreed, @RichInPitt I would check back tomorrow to see if the essays update.
I contacted Schreyer - you can only get to the Essay questions if you check the “Yes, I agree” box after "Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that recommenders send in their recommendations before the December 6 deadline. I have read and agree to the recommendation process outlined above.*
I guess I’m not Schreyer material, as I don’t see why 8 questions can be answered at any time but two others can only be answered if you agree that you know you have to get recommendations.
? I thought this was @RichInPitt the dad, no?
Yes, it is. But even after 50 years and 2 degrees, I couldn’t figure out where they hid the essays.
Sometimes feedback works. They changed it so both essays and all 8 questions are now immediately available (though still not in the same order), no longer contingent on checking the recommendations box.
Sorry, got confused when you said “I’m not Schreyer material.” I was a little slow on the uptake