Penn State Schreyer Honors College vs. Rutgers

I’ve recently been admitted to Penn State Schreyer Honors College as well as Rutgers University (non honors) Rutgers would be a cheaper option as it is in state with a net price of $13,974 per year compared to Penn State’s $23,674. I can’t decide if the extra 10K is worth the benefits of Schreyer. Is either really better than the other? Academically speaking as well as reputation wise. I am undeclared but I hope to attend graduate school, possibly law. Any advice?

Penn State Schreyer Honors college is a very selective program with a strong reputation. If the difference of $40k across the 4 years is affordable (my definition of affordable is no loans would be required) I personally would make the choice to attend Schreyer.

I’m a huge Penn State fan; however, I’m also a huge fan of undergrads keeping their debt low, particularly if they intend on going to grad school. Earning a master’s can be very expensive and you may need to save your borrowing power for that, as opposed to racking up loans as an undergrad. Just something to think about. You and your parents could probably pay for Rutgers outright each year at $13K. That’s a real bargain. However, if you think your undergrad is the only degree you intend to pursue, hands down pick Penn State. It’s reputation and strong alumni network is golden!

Thank you!