Penn State Smeal School of Business

Hi. My son is currently a sophomore at Penn State University Park. He ended up the year with a 3.34 Cumulative GPA and a 3.12 major specific gpa. Apparently admissions at PSU require a 3.2 major specific gpa for most majors at Smeal, my,son wants to major in Supply Chain Management. What are his chances?

Has he taken all his entrance-to-major classes?
If he has and cannot take anything through summer school, his chances are nil.
Smeal entrance is non competitive selective: it means that all studentship meets requirements are in, but they must meet the requirements.
His overall GPA meets requirements but not his ETM GPA.
If he has not taken all ETM classes, he will be admitted with conditional acceptance. That acceptance is withdrawn if he does not have a 3.2 from ETM classes.

My son’s in the same boat. We somehow missed the ETM GPA requirement and were focused on his overall GPA. His GPA is 3.47 but below a 3.2 for ETM (he had 2 ETM classes he had AP credit for, which did not help GPA wise). I suggest talking to your son’s advisor ASAP. This summer, my son is retaking an ETM course with the goal of improving his ETM to 3.2. Very frustrating and upsetting. Good luck to you and your son!!

A quick question as we all know that Penn state (Smeal School of Business) is very competitive. You said your son is retaking his courses in which he did bad or because of which he had a low GPA. Does Penn State (Smeal) even consider the improved grade because I heard that the high ranked universities only consider the first attempt grade which you can’t hide because your transcript will show both the first and the improved grade.

For all Smeal ETM classes you need a C or better for all the majors. You can retake an ETM class at Penn State but both grades will show on the transcript but, If you get a better grade, it will improve your GPA. With Smeal you have to be careful though, because if you go over your total 59 credits, you will be permanently locked out of Smeal. It’s best if the student works closely with the advisor.