Penn suicide


Penn football player commits suicide
PHILADELPHIA -- Two days after one of the best games of his career, Penn running back Kyle Ambrogi committed suicide, the university and police said.</p>

<p>The 21-year-old senior, who died at his suburban Havertown home Monday, had been battling depression, the Daily News reported Wednesday, quoting the player's family.


<p>The stories that break parents' hearts and put achievement into perspective.</p>

<p>This story just makes me cry. Prayers going out to parents and friends.</p>

<p>Yes, it was on the front page of our paper this morning. Unbelievable, he was smart, handsome, talented, a senior at Wharton with his whole life ahead of him.

"He was the perfect son,'' Donna [his mother] said. "I'll never forget how he asked me one time, 'Mom, how come you never yell at me?' I told him, 'Because you never give me anything to yell at you about.' ''


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<p>Such promise. Extremely tragic. So sorry for family and friends.</p>

<p>that is horrible.</p>

<p>OMG, this is every parent's nightmare, and one from which there is NO awakening.....My heart goes out to his family and to all of those touched so deeply by this devastating tragedy. ~berurah</p>