Penn's Quirks

<p>I'm currently trying to get a better picture of the University of Pennsylvania, seeing as how I'm planning on applying RD, and I'm interested in finding out some quirks and little known facts about the university; the kind that only students would know of or experience. So, any fun facts?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>we have a big food fight on the last day of junior year, it's called hey day</p>

<p>Any more quirks?</p>

<p>Spring Fling, Food cart culture, 4 colleges, Walnut Walk, Hey Day, Econ Scream, Toast throwing, biopond, ENIAC, Flyering on Locust, Quaker Consortium, Ben Franklin fetish, to name a few...</p>

<p>Any other quirks which relate to Penn's overall culture?</p>

<p>It's 1/3 Jewish and 1/4 Asian. That has a fair impact on the overall culture.</p>

<p>1/3 Jewish?!?! That's extremely high for a non-Jewish college. Wow.</p>

<p>^ How do those statistics influence the culture?</p>

<p>i feel like the large portions of distinct minorities that tend to (self) segregate a lot of times, along with the huge undergraduate population makes the impression that penn is a lot more disjointed than other smaller colleges and univ.</p>

<p>i've heard opinons from penn grads that basically say that. so when you have thousands of members of one group going to temple services or to dumpling night, its hard to forget the stereotypes of that group. penn's a busy place with a lot going on, which is good. but its also more seperated than it should.</p>

<p>The onus is on the individual to get involved in other social groups. That being said it's both possible and easy at Penn. I'm white and I got to be Vice President of the Korean Students Association.</p>

<p>bagles, aren't you a wanabee asian? asian studies major and internships in asia? identity crisis much?</p>

<p>All right, well let's focus on the overall culture of Penn. What are some fun clubs, rituals, places, Ben Franklin sightings (;)), etc?!</p>

<p>Toast, Toast, Toast.
.:</a> New Student Orientation at Penn :. Penn Traditions</p>

<p>**** on ben frankin?
sex under the button?
the line?
and the administration got rid of the hey song :(</p>

1/3 Jewish?!?! That's extremely high for a non-Jewish college. Wow.


I was always under the impression that Penn was a Jew school...</p>

<p>^ Care to explain, Venkat?!</p>

<p>explain what? o they starred out pi.ssing.</p>

<p>Well that's interesting, to say the least.</p>

<p>. .</p>

<p>Penn has a 25% Jewish population, according to this page...Frequently</a> Asked Questions | Penn Hillel</p>

<p>and 23% Asian/ 13% Asian American population according to this page... Penn</a> Current: Interviews: June Chu</p>

<p>Why does this matter anyway, Venkat?</p>

<p>Penn's historically been the Jewish Ivy, when other schools in the Northeast discriminated in their admissions. It's something that's defined the character of the school, and is still very true today. Campus empties out during the Jewish holidays, Hillel is a huge presence, and there are large orthodox communities. </p>

<p>Within the past 10-20 years, it's become very Asian, and there are some very obvious Asian communities around campus. They tend to self-segregate sometimes. I feel like the Asian identity hasn't really grown into the alumni community yet and is something we'll see in years to come. </p>

<p>These are characteristics that distinguish Penn from other schools, like Princeton (our favorite and most-hated rival). It makes for a culture on campus.</p>

<p>Urinating on Ben Franklin, having sex under the Button, and other drunken shenanigans are just that. Almost every college has them, and I have to say that Penn's are rather tame compared to the stuff you see after state school football games. Every so often someone comes along who is shocked by this stuff, and you have to remind them that ivy league colleges are still colleges.</p>